Defective Diesel pump
Bosch breakdown stops production with DaimlerChrysler
After BMW now also DaimlerChrysler wants to stop Diesel production because of an incorrect injection pump of Bosch. On Monday and Tuesday in the coming week no Diesel models in the work Sindelfingen are produced, as enterprise near circles reported. Also AUDI, Volkswagen and Opel are affected by the delivery problems with Bosch.
In the coming week no Diesel models in the work Sindelfingen are to be produced.
A DaimlerChrysler speaker rejected a statement on Monday in Stuttgart on demand. He said, because of the delivery bottleneck at present in the work Sindelfingen and Bremen strengthens gasoline models manufactured. “We keep production upright.”
With the Diesel pump concerned there were problems with the coating according to data of Bosch with a delivery part. A bosch speaker said, it is tried to solve that problem at short notice. The quality assurance of Bosch did not fail. One is confident that one can repair the difficulties at short notice and terminate the delivery bottleneck thereby. The DaimlerChrysler speaker said, the car maker was confident to be able to up-get the production arrears. By the problem are concerned C, E and S-class.
BMW does not exclude rights of recourse
BMW boss Helmut Panke explained that it will come because of the problems with Bosch at approximately 3,600 new vehicle customers to Lieferverzögerungen. It did not exclude rights of recourse: “We solve only the problems and regulate then, who pays.” Because of the incorrect construction unit the company had to extend the factory holidays in work Dingolfing around three days, since the manufacturing process could not be changed over according to Panke to the fast one.
Also AUDI is affected, however by the delivery problems with Bosch in small extent, as a speaker of the Ingolstädter of car maker said. It does not give effects on production or the distribution. By the error not all engines are concerned, only determined loads. The vehicles were finished placed and the defective part was exchanged, as soon as it was available. The speaker did not want to give data concerning numbers of items; they would lie however clearly smaller than with the competitors, said the AUDI speaker.
With Volkswagen only Phaeton affected
Volkswagen is concerned only in the small extent. With the mark VOLKSWAGEN is built this engine only in the Topmodell Phaeton, but according to speaker there is no “volume problem” there. In principle the Volkswagen company decided for another Diesel technology than Mercedes or BMW: Volkswagen sets on the pump nozzle technology, which plans several pumps for injecting the Diesel into the cylinders. Mercedes and BMW decided for the Common Rail technology, which gets along with a pump.
The car maker OPEL is primarily not affected by the problems with injection pumps for six cylinder diesel engines. As company spokesperson Karl wall reported, the Diesel pumps for the six cylinder engines used with OPELs come from a Japanese manufacturer. OPEL uses however for the 1,9-Liter-Dieselmaschine von Astra and Vectra a bosch pump for four-cylinder engines. This is identical to the larger pump in its construction.
At present with OPELs tests were accomplished whether the well-known problems would arise also with this pump. So for a long time this is not clarified, OPEL the manufacturing of numerous diesel engined vehicles back placed, said wall. Diesel engined vehicles with the questionable pump on board were not delivered up to clarifying. To production interruptions it will however not come.
Volkswagen said the Phaeton isn't affected because of it being PD rather than CR.
BMW started a recall action because of the afflicted Diesel injection pumps of Bosch. “The customers concerned are written down and requested to let the part occasional exchange”, said an employer speaker on Tuesday on request.
BMW recalls its Diesels. How many customers are concerned, it is not certain.
After for next week already production is stopped by diesel engined vehicles in Dingolfing, that calls Munich automakers now vehicles with not quality-assuring injection pumps, already delivered, into the workshops.
The number of vehicles concerned as well as the height of the prospective costs did not let themselves measure yet, continued to say the speaker. For the drivers exist because of the incorrect part no safety risk, stressed it. The Diesel injection pump wise only a shorter life span up.
The automaker had already announced to interrupt production in Dingolfing because of the delivery bottlenecks with error free injection pumps for three days. BMW chief executive Helmut Panke showed up in the weekend nevertheless relative to left the loss of production of presumably approximately 3600 vehicles. This is “uncomfortable, but easily recoverable”.
The question about possible compensation demands read Panke openly. “We solve only the problems, and then talk we, who pays, said” it. With flexibly extendable tours it is at short notice possible to catch up the production arrears. Beside that Munich car manufacturers are also DaimlerChrysler and AUDI affected by the problems in quality with Bosch.
With the Ingolstädter VW subsidiary company it comes according to an AUDI speaker so far however to no Produktionseinschränkungen. Bosch is confident according to own data for being able to shortly submit a solution for the incorrect Diesel injection pumps.
So, a recall happened even though BMW said there's no safety risk.