Good job on the high mileage numbers, scy. Maybe this is a little nit-picky, but I think you disqualified yourself on that tank of fuel. You might wanna try asking the rules committee

eek: there are rules?!?

) whether they can accept the non-standard fill method you used -- IIUC what you posted here, it was not exactly kosher
Your 2004 Jetta has a lift pump in the fuel tank -- so you do not have to worry about priming the line and sucking fuel all the way from the tank to the engine compartment like in previous TDI models.
If you want to try for an 800-mile tank, you have to:
1) Fill to the brim, the top of the filler tube, and give your Jetta a hard hip-check to "burp" any air that might be in the tank. Then see if you can't add a few more ounces.
2) drive mostly at night, on lightly traveled roads or on Interstate highways, at a constant speed of 65 or less.
Thanks for the info. I'll run it dry without fear when I get close to any notable mileages. I didn't know if there were any specific rules to follow before posting to prove that the results were for real. I regularly exceed 900 miles per tank. My average MPG over the last 10 - 12K miles has exceeded 56MPG. My high so far is 61.25. Still trying for 1000 per tank and could have done it with the 61.25 (973 miles) as I still had more than a gallon left in the tank.