6 Speed Ecstasy plus FMIC, PD 150 Upgrades and more


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
ChippedNotBroken said:
That is just too funny. You want people who are technically "speeding" to get tickets because they are in the way of you speeding faster? ROFLMAO!

Try to look at it a different way, I can't tell you how many times I got stuck behind someone like that only to turn a corner and find a hidden patrol car. If it helps, just think of it as devine intervention.

As a general rule, I try not go get toooooo upset about obeying the law. And I certainly try even harder not to get upset about people that are breaking the law, but not as much as me :rolleyes:
It's just that no matter what speed some people are going they feel that they have the right to drive in whatever lane they want. When there is no one else on the road and they are driving in the left lane while I'm doing 9-10, sometimes more;) it's very annoying that you have to pass them on the right and what is even more unsafe is that they usually end up changing lanes as you try to go around them. This happened to me multiple times on my trip this week.

You also have to take into consideration that sometimes I drive a truck with a 27' trailer behind and it's very frustrating that you can't get around them because when there is a gap, they just continue to drive in the left lane and you can't get around.

To me if it was more difficult to get a drivers license in the US, there would be less accidents and safer road ways, but yes you will always have a couple of idiots out there that are the exception to the rule.

Just my opinion. I think I have that right:rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Back on track here I got rid of that hideous Grey mirror and installed a Black one that I bought on VWVortex. Looks great with the new mirror. I'll take a couple more pics and post them up.


Veteran Member
Dec 29, 2004
Pocono\'s, NYC
Jetta A4 1999.5 Green
3L3M3NT said:
it's very annoying that you have to pass them on the right and what is even more unsafe is that they usually end up changing lanes as you try to go around them. This happened to me multiple times on my trip this week.
That must have been in Ohio!

I did a dash out there for a GTG and at least 5 or 6 times some guy driving in the right lane would watch me pull up behind them and as soon as I went into the right lane to pass they would jerk into the right lane. I wouldn't have thought that much of it had it not happened several times in the same state, on the same trip.

Sorta like the Canadians up near Quebec City that kept jumpin on the highway 50 feet in front of you and speeding up like they were using pedals instead of fuel. Happened 4 or 5 times in a matter of 3 hours on the local highways.

In the end, it doesn't matter whose fault it is, or what dumb thing someone else does, it sucks to be in an accident and we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible to drive in a way that anticipates rather than reacts to what other drivers are doing.

I think the worst drivers I ever experienced were around Dallas. :eek:

Look forward to seeing the pictures!


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
ChippedNotBroken said:
That must have been in Ohio!

I did a dash out there for a GTG and at least 5 or 6 times some guy driving in the right lane would watch me pull up behind them and as soon as I went into the right lane to pass they would jerk into the right lane. I wouldn't have thought that much of it had it not happened several times in the same state, on the same trip.

Sorta like the Canadians up near Quebec City that kept jumpin on the highway 50 feet in front of you and speeding up like they were using pedals instead of fuel. Happened 4 or 5 times in a matter of 3 hours on the local highways.

In the end, it doesn't matter whose fault it is, or what dumb thing someone else does, it sucks to be in an accident and we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible to drive in a way that anticipates rather than reacts to what other drivers are doing.

I think the worst drivers I ever experienced were around Dallas. :eek:

Look forward to seeing the pictures!
It happened in all the states I traveled in and I can't really pin point one state being worse than the others, but still very annoying none the less.

I need to give it a back after the 2,500 miles of drive in the past 6 days. Don't really have the energy to do it right now either.:)


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I calculated my mileage on my latest 2500 mile road trip and it kept on getting better and better. I saw 39.4 for the 1st full tank, then 40.2, and the last tank to get me home was 42.1. And that is even correcting for my speedometer being off by 5%.


Torque Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Ventura, CA
03 Golf 2dr- PD150 6m
3L3M3NT said:
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I calculated my mileage on my latest 2500 mile road trip and it kept on getting better and better. I saw 39.4 for the 1st full tank, then 40.2, and the last tank to get me home was 42.1. And that is even correcting for my speedometer being off by 5%.
Even though your speedo is off your odo should be on right?


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Farfromovin said:
Even though your speedo is off your odo should be on right?
I'm not completely sure, but I would assume that since my speedo was off that my mileage would also be off. Since when I ran that #'s on the second tank of fuel I calculated that I was getting 44 mpg and once I divided that # by 1.05 I got 41.9 mpg which I figured was more accurate. The last tank here I calculated the mileage after change the impulses in the Instrument coding it's only off by 1-2 mph at most and I got 678 miles on 16.1 gallons of diesel which is 42.1 mpg.

So I had a higher mileage reading on the trip meter and I'd be willing to bet that the Odometer was racked up more miles because of that too.
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Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
A few pictures I snapped today to show how the Black Rear View mirror looks in my car.

Old Silver Mirror

Updated with the Black Mirror. WOW what a difference IMO

A few more that I took.



Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
I forgot to include some pictures of Matt Whitbread's Exhaust. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the DP and neither does Matt, since I was trying to get on the road to go visit Jeff and Matt was already late for class.:eek:

On with the pictures.



Top Post Dawg
Aug 7, 2006
TDIs: 2003 Jetta, 2016 Q5 3.0
That's one sweet ride. Great Photos !

I love Matt's work. Wish he was closer to me and I could get mt whole exhaust done by him.



Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
tothemax said:
That's one sweet ride. Great Photos !

I love Matt's work. Wish he was closer to me and I could get mt whole exhaust done by him.

Thanks! So far I'm really liking the exhaust. It definitely growls when you get on it, but for highway cruising it's pretty close to a stock exhaust IMO. You hardly know that you have a performance exhaust under the car. There is some drone when you are going down a hill and aren't on the "gas", but I really can't complain. I can just turn the sound system in my car up a couple of clicks on the knob and I'd never know.

Not sure if it's related, but I did see an increase in fuel economy after installing the exhaust with the Aero Turbine Exhaust, but then again there are a lot of other contributing factors that would lead to an increase in fuel economy such as.........6 speed trans, PD150 intake with R32 DSG Snorkel, PD150 TIP, all New Turbo back exhaust from Whitbread Performance Innovations. So can I say one item or the other is increasing my fuel economy, No, but as a system I gained 4 mpg over my 5 speed setup, stock intake, TIP, and DP only exhaust that led to the Tiny Stock muffler.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 7, 2006
TDIs: 2003 Jetta, 2016 Q5 3.0
Have you dynoed her yet? Would love to see your dyno with all that mojo.

3L3M3NT said:
Thanks! So far I'm really liking the exhaust. It definitely growls when you get on it, but for highway cruising it's pretty close to a stock exhaust IMO. You hardly know that you have a performance exhaust under the car. There is some drone when you are going down a hill and aren't on the "gas", but I really can't complain. I can just turn the sound system in my car up a couple of clicks on the knob and I'd never know.

Not sure if it's related, but I did see an increase in fuel economy after installing the exhaust with the Aero Turbine Exhaust, but then again there are a lot of other contributing factors that would lead to an increase in fuel economy such as.........6 speed trans, PD150 intake with R32 DSG Snorkel, PD150 TIP, all New Turbo back exhaust from Whitbread Performance Innovations. So can I say one item or the other is increasing my fuel economy, No, but as a system I gained 4 mpg over my 5 speed setup, stock intake, TIP, and DP only exhaust that led to the Tiny Stock muffler.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
tothemax said:
Have you dynoed her yet? Would love to see your dyno with all that mojo.
Unfortunately I haven't dynoed my car yet. There are still a few issues Jeff is working on with my Tune. With the Cruise Control for 6th and tune for 26 psi there is some underlying issue that needs to get resolved, because it would go into limp mode while driving on the highway for some reason.

My plan is to put on the dyno in the spring and actually I'm going to be hosting a dyno day at the college I went to.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Figured I would post how the car does with snow on the ground and the LSD.This thing seems to really hook up. With the LSD and the extra 90# from going to the 6 speed trans it does pretty darn well.
I haven't driven it in a ton of snow, but in the little bit that I have I can't complain.
I did also get to test out the LSD before we got some snow and it's amazing how well this car corners now. It's like there is some magical force pulling my car through the corner. I was completely blown away the 1st time I got on it going through a corner. I can hardly wait for next years Auto X and track days.;)
As for the exhaust there is some drone when you aren't on the throttle a little bit. If the turbo is spooled up a little bit it's rather quiet, but if you are slowing down you can definitely tell that the car doesn't have stock exhaust anymore.:D
Rather throaty too if you really stand on it too and obviously you can hear quite a bit more turbo whistle.:eek:


Veteran Member
Aug 22, 2003
Vail, Colorado
Jetta, 2003, black

What tires are you running in the snow with the LSD? I'd really like to add the LSD to the mix even though the studs seems to hook up quite well on the snow/ice.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
tivoKlr said:
What tires are you running in the snow with the LSD? I'd really like to add the LSD to the mix even though the studs seems to hook up quite well on the snow/ice.
I'm running the Nokian Hakkapeliitta RSi's for tires. They hook up pretty darn well for being a studless snow tire. Was going through 7-8" of fresh snow like it was nothing. I could only do 25-30 mph, because I had snow rolling over my hood and causing a white out for me.:D The one downside to running coilovers is the lower ride height. lol

But it sure is nice having both tires pulling. I can for the most part start out half way up our driveway that has a slight rise to it that is snow packed and still make it up no problem. If I start out on an ice patch, well that is a different story:)


Top Post Dawg
Aug 8, 2004
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA
03 Jetta
3L3M3NT - in the snow, with having both front tires spinning, do you find any difference in directional stability than without the LSD?

One of the advantages of an open differential is that when you are going around a corner/curve, you'll typically still have one tire not spinning and therefore providing more directional stability than if you were to have both tires spinning. I would think having a LSD in the snow would be like standing on the brakes (without ABS) and you would just continue in a straight line.

I'm probably overthinking this, but wanted some first hand opinions


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Fix_Until_Broke said:
3L3M3NT - in the snow, with having both front tires spinning, do you find any difference in directional stability than without the LSD?

One of the advantages of an open differential is that when you are going around a corner/curve, you'll typically still have one tire not spinning and therefore providing more directional stability than if you were to have both tires spinning. I would think having a LSD in the snow would be like standing on the brakes (without ABS) and you would just continue in a straight line.

I'm probably overthinking this, but wanted some first hand opinions
To be completely honest it really all depends on how I drive. If I drive like an idiot and stay in it while making a corner then yes the front end wants to push, but I can't really say how much more than last winter when I had the 5 speed trans in with the stock diff. I would assume the outcome would be about the same.
If I were to drive a little more conservatively I don't have the push and it tracks pretty darn well. I may get a little drift in the corners if there is a decent amount of snow, but the rear end follows, so it works quite well.

I know in straight line this thing pulls fairly hard for being in snow. Obviously not like on dry pavement, but respectable in its own right.

So IMO I think the car drives better with the LSD than without, but that is just me. I would almost have to drive a car with a open diff to see if I notice a difference. I'm not completely sure I would??? Driving style has such a huge influence on how a car handles in the snow has a lot of do with it.

In the winter I drive everything from my car, front end loader, work truck with a plow on it, and my other winter hobby is snowmobiling :D I guess you could say I like my winter activities.:cool:


Torque Addict
Apr 9, 2005
Ventura, CA
03 Golf 2dr- PD150 6m
The only real snow and ice driving I've done is with my studs on and LSD and traction has been unbelievable. I attribute it to the tires though. I wouldn't think of an LSD as a necessary winter traction device. I think ESP would be a much better upgrade for winter driving after tires of course :)

--sorry for the off topic--


Vendor , w/Business number
Jan 21, 2007
Johannesburg, MI
Over the last couple days I've had the chance to drive 2 mk4 tdi's numerous times in the snowy weather. One has an lsd with crappy tires and one has an open diff with good tires.

The lsd does push a little in corners if you're on the throttle. The open diff still pushes a little, but not as much.

Big difference is in the straights trying to accelerate. The open diff will grab the steering wheel back and forth as the tires get and lose traction. The lsd keeps the wheel straight and smooth and will take the car in whatever direction you point it. The lsd car will accelerate much better also.

Trying to get up my slightly inclined driveway, the lsd car will idle up it. The open diff car needs some light throttle to help it.

It's not the be all/end all of winter traction devices, but the I would say the difference between open and lsd is about the same as going from all seasons to winter specific tires. So, both an lsd and winter tires would be the cat's meow.


Veteran Member
Jun 25, 2005
Ann Arbor MI
05 BEW Wagon
3L3M3NT said:
Was going through 7-8" of fresh snow like it was nothing. I could only do 25-30 mph, because I had snow rolling over my hood and causing a white out for me.:D The one downside to running coilovers is the lower ride height. lol
I can attest to that. Even with the coils all the way up for winter, they are still pretty low. But even my crappy Yokohama ice guards would pull through 7-8" of snow without problem. It's hilarious when 50% of the snow in front of you is going up over the roof. Need to get someone to take a picture of it someday.

I envy those with limited slips though...


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Whitbread said:
It's not the be all/end all of winter traction devices, but the I would say the difference between open and lsd is about the same as going from all seasons to winter specific tires. So, both an lsd and winter tires would be the cat's meow.
Well then I must have the cat's meow, since I have the LSD and winter tires:D

Now that you mention the straight line pull to, I do notice that I don't get the side to side motion of the steering wheel like I did last winter.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
shizzler said:
I can attest to that. Even with the coils all the way up for winter, they are still pretty low. But even my crappy Yokohama ice guards would pull through 7-8" of snow without problem. It's hilarious when 50% of the snow in front of you is going up over the roof. Need to get someone to take a picture of it someday.

I envy those with limited slips though...
Yeah it definitely made for an interesting drive to work @ 1 AM. If I would get going any faster than 25-30 and I really just couldn't see where I was going and I had the defrost on high and the wipers maxed out and they still couldn't keep up. Good thing I don't have a long drive to get to work, so going a little bit slower to make it there safely was no biggie.


Veteran Member
Apr 29, 2007
Oregon City, OR
04 Jetta TDI, 09' JSW TDI, 09' BMW 335d
Having driven my car stock with ESP, 5 speed and no LSD/snow tires,
-Modified w/o LSD with and without snow tires,
-Modified w/LSD, wasn't around any slick stuff with this set-up
-Finally heavily modded with 6sp, LSD and snow tires.

In stock form I was always impressed with how well it handled in the snow and ice, even running 18" wheels with summer tires.

Second level, Modifying the engine didn't change how it drove much, the snow tires (studless) helped a bit. In dry conditions I could frequently get the inside tire to break traction.

Third level, adding the LSD to the five speed, definitely changed the way the car would accelerate straight line, but the biggest difference was in the corners, I could enter the corners faster, and exit much faster. It feels like the car is being pulled through the corner. The downfall was that in the rain or slick roads, I could not run as fast in crappy weather with the LSD, instead of spinning the inside tire the car would lose traction and the front would push and slide. I puckered pretty hard the first time that happened.

With the car in its current state, LSD and snow tires, the car is a tank. Point and shoot, it is almost impossible to get the car off track with the ESP on (I tried, allot:D), with it off it wants to spin more and I can get it sideways if I try, but it is very controlled.

Ground clearance is my only hold back. I have never had this car stuck, granted we don't get huge amounts of snow here... We get ice more than snow.

I can say the LSD is a big help, but I don't feel that it is required for snow driving. Driver skill is the biggest factor.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Well I figure I might as well update this thread, since I've upgraded a few things even after my diving accident. As some of you may know I had a diving accident July 2010 where my C4 vertebrae was shattered and left me as a quadriplegic. Obviously not much changed on my car, but still was a passion of mine and keeps me going.

October 2011 I purchased a set of PD150 injectors and had a friend install them for me around 112k. I also picked up a spare ECU, so my car wouldn't have any down time. I decided to go with Mike @ TDTuning to load a tune on my spare ECU to go along with my current Rocketchip tune.

After the injectors were changed my car wouldn't start and after some trouble shooting we realized the lift pump was bad, so ordered a new one and installed it and the car fired right up.:D

We ran 2 bottles of Diesel Purge through the car and the car ran beautiful. Some other maintenance was done, like oil change, and go with OEM 6 speed trans fluid.

After I got the tune back from TDTuning, I had to go for a ride and Wow:eek: what a difference in performance.

I finally got it on the dyno October 2012 at Late Model Throttle in Waukesha, WI. I'll let the videos and dyno chart do the talking. I ran both RC tune and TDTuning ECU.

First run with RC ECU

Second run with RC ECU

Third run with TDTuning ECU

Dyno Graph

The car was running great in the spring of 2013, until my mom snapped my drivers side axle 4 days before I was having my annual spring cruise around Door County, WI, so that sucked:mad: It also didn't help that I had just switched to my sticky summer tires and had an alignment done the week before the axle broke. I decided to do it right the 1st time a order a set of Raxles. Some of the guys that attended my June gtg were nice enough to install them for me.:D Of course the car had to go in for an alignment again.:mad:

My car was back up and running.:cool: Until me and my friend were making our way Dubs in the Valley in Oshkosh and the factory rubber elbow decided to split.:mad: Luckily we were only 30 miles from Sturgeon Bay, but it didn't help that we were towing a 5x8 enclosed trailer that had my wheelchair in it. Man did my car smoke before it went into limp mode.:D

We made it back and I got to thinking about how to have a better setup coming off the compressor outlet on my 17/22, which anyone with a 17/22 will attest to how little there is to clamp to. I thought about having some friends pull the turbo and weld an aluminum 90* elbow on, but making sure there is enough clearance between the added on aluminum elbow and the block would have been tough. I instead decided to go with a 90* silicon elbow from Forge(http://www.forgemotorsport.com/content.asp?inc=product&cat=0022R&product=FMR54-45 ) which actually worked great. I then used a Stainless Steel joiner to connect the 2" opening of the 90* elbow with a 45* elbow that then connects to my Forge IC piping.

So far so good with the upgraded silicon hose, but to hopefully prevent the elbow from blowing off, I'm going to be adding a Provent 200 to catch the oil mist that imo contributed to the elbow blowing off. To make room underneath my hood, I'm having my battery relocated to the trunk, so the catch can, can be mounted on the inside of the drivers fender, since I'm running a DG by-pass kit.

I'll post up some pictures of my setup when it's all said and done. I'm getting the car ready for a track day at Road America on October 13th.
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Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
Here's a couple of pictures of my car.
May 2010 on the Door County Cruise.

May 2011 DC Cruise, having some fun.:cool:

Hauling my chair in the enclosed trailer to the Dyno Day at Late Model Throttle in Waukesha,WI in October 2012.:)

More to come when I get the car back on the 12th of October.:D
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Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
And now for the most recent updates.

Well the track day at Road America was a lot of fun and we managed to hit right around 120mph on the straight stretches:eek: It was on a Sunday in October with some fantastic weather!
Here are the videos I took.
This one is with the camera facing backwards.
Looking forwards.

A week after the track day, I meet up with one of the owners of Mid Coast Auto in Milwaukee on our way out to Colorado for some more therapy at Craig Hospital in Denver, CO.

The plan was to have them do some mechanical work that the car needed after the track day...pads, rotors, brake fluid flush, oil change, wire up the front fog lights, run the by-pass return to the oil drain plug, wire the head unit to stay on when the key was in the ignition, extend the range of the key fob, and I'm sure there are a few other things I'm forgetting.

While they had the car what was supposed to be over the winter they were going to hire a friend of theirs to shave my car and install the Bora R front bumper I purchased. I gave them a deadline of end of April 2014, because I figured 5 months should be more than enough time to get all that done in time for my middle of May Cruise.

Needless to say that didn't happen, so I figured they could have it ready for Scootersgtg in the early part of June, but that came and went, then the next date was the end of July for Dubs in the Valley in Oshkosh,WI. At this point in time it was hard to get a response from Mid Coast via email or phone call.:mad:

It turns out they paid their painter friend before thoroughly looking over the car and the license plate holes I wanted shaved were still there and I guess the mirror caps had orange peel. I figured the painter could take the front bumper and mirror caps while they finished up the mechanical work. I figured I'd have my car by the end of August at the latest. I mean how long can it take to fix the bumper and mirror caps, and what I thought would be some minor stuff to take care of on the car after they had it for nearly 9 months at this point.

Sadly it got worse, because their painter friend wouldn't return their phone calls or texts, since he already got paid.:mad: He had my bumper and mirror caps for 2 months or so, but finally finished them. To protect the car I wanted it clear bra'd to keep the stone chips and scratches to a minimum.

I thought great I'm getting my car back even though it took 13 months...the sad part is that even though Mid Coast had my car for that long they still couldn't finish everything on my To Do List:mad:

Now my car has to go to them because they offered to cut and buff and a few other thing free of charge in preparation for using it in their booth at Scooters GTG coming up on June 13th. I'll be bring my car back from Scooters that night and it'll be the last time it'll ever bring it to them.

So buyer beware of Mid Coast Auto in Milwaukee, WI! Or at least make sure you're close enough were you can ream them in person.:D Because being 3 hours away and in a wheelchair didn't help the situation.

Any ways onto the pictures that got taken at the NWTC Car Show in Green Bay.



Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI

A picture of me next to the car.

An Interior shot of the Heated Leather Recaros ryanp and BleachedBora help me get stateside. There is the nice flat bottom MKIII Scirocco steering wheel.

My new Awesome Lithium-Ion battery setup that I'm running the batteries are from http://www.lithiummoto.com/ They were $350 a battery and they weigh in around 4 lbs a piece.

Jumper posts.

There is actaully a 3rd battery hidden in there for the stereo system.

Hope you like my car and let me know if you have any questions.


Veteran Member
Jun 16, 2008
Sturgeon Bay, WI
04 Jetta GLS TDI, 04 RTDI
And last but not least my car towing our 5x12 enclosed trailer.:D

And how my car sleeps when not in use.lol

Here is my mod list at the moment.

Eric Murrock (3L3M3NT) 2004 VW Jetta GLS TDI
VNT-17/22 Turbo
Whitbread 2.5" to 3" Custom exhaust with Aeroturbine muffler
Forge PD130 FMIC
PD150 Intake Manifold with Race pipe
PD150 Turbo Inlet Pipe, MAF and Airbox with R32 DSG snorkel
3 Bar MAP sensor
PD150 injectors and head bolts.
Steel Glow Plugs
EGR Delete
Porsche 991 Coolant Cap
Dieselgeek By-Pass Kit
TDTuning/ Rocketchip tune

02M DRW 6-speed
Peloquin LSD
Dieselgeek Sigma 6 Short Shift

Galactic Blue Metallic Paint
Show Wheels: BBS RG-Rs Wrapped in BFGoodrich g-Force COMP-2 A/S 215/45/17 tires
Track Wheels: OZ Superleggeras Powdercoated Misty Lava Wrapped in Dunlop Direzza ZII 235/45/17 tires
GLI 312mm Front Brakes
280mm rear rotor upgrade
Koni Coilovers
Neuspeed 28mm Rear Sway Bar
Audi TT Control Arm Bushings
Dieselgeek Skid Plate
Lift Pads
Roger Retrofits with FX-R Projectors, Denso Ballasts, Phillips 85122+ 4300K bulbs, E55-R Shrouds, Custom Clear Fogs
5% Tint

Euro OEM Heated Leather Recaros
McNally Gauges for Boost, EGT, Oil Pressure & Temp
Alpine 9887 Head Unit
Escort 9500 ix Radar Detector on Blendmount
Proclip mount for Zune & Garmin GPS
VW MKIII Scirocco Steering Wheel
Audi S3 Shift knob and boot
Monster Mats
JL Audio 500/1 Amp
JL Audio 8W7
JL Audio 300/4 Amp
Morel Speakers up front
Infinity Speakers in back
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