Someday I'll take the data to prove/disprove the benefits of an exhaust larger than 2.5", but for now it's what I've got.
I figured that I'd take a multiple solution approach to the problem. First I added a longer flex section, 8" of true flexible length.
Second, I fixed the sloppy motor mount which really helped a lot of things including a shutter that I've been chasing for a year.
Third, if all else fails - go bigger
It's not the prettiest thing and if I was starting from scratch I'd do things cleaner, but it's functional and a good enough prototype. I'd probably put some sort of better transition from the turbo outlet to the flange as well.
The two main advantages of this that I see are more material which will have more strength to resist future failures and it provides an extra degree of freedom of movement with the band clamp. The clamp is not fully tight which allows the engine to rock forward/backward and the exhaust will pivot there which reduces the ammount of compliance that the exhaust system has to deal with as the motor moves about.
Still a few minor things to work through - need a better gasket between the flange halves (just used a piece of copper wire that I annealed and formed to shape). It really doesn't leak due to the closed nature of the band clamp and low pressure in the area to start with. After driving it 50 miles with the downpipe completely off of the turbo when it broke off (I could see the exhaust wheel) how quiet it was and how little soot and zero heat damage there was, I'm not concerned with a small little gap, but want something that's easier to assemble.
I'll also probably put a spring on the band clamp to make it's swivel easier to adjust and make it less sensitive to wear.
I've got a few hundred miles on it and so far so good. Things keep changing a little as the mount wears in, the bellows loosens up, etc.
So far I really like it - it's definately a lot easier to manufacture and fit to a car with that extra degree of freedom with the band clamp. Also super easy to install/remove. This might be a solution for those who want a larger downpipe without all of the custom fit issues that go along with a fixed one like I originally built.
We'll see how it lasts