It's all over the map- This forum survives because of the high quality information shared and we set politics aside and stick to TDIs. Buell motorcycle forum I've been on for 25 plus years turned into a de facto political forum and what was left slowly died after Harley shut down Buell in 2010. BMW Motorcycle Owners of America has become a mouthpiece for the factory and losing membership, while the Airheads BMW Club and e-mail list are holding their own despite the last Airhead rolling off the line 28 years ago- Again, high quality tech info and the affordability of the old BMW bikes has kept the club and list active. Mack truck forum has turned into another de facto political forum while the retro grouches complain about Volvo.
As for social media, Facebook et al seem to be dominated by the "boy racers" who chop Buells and hack TDIs cause they think smoke is more impressive than performance. Unless these twerps learn quick, few cars will survive to be classics in their sawzall wielding hands.