Hello everyone, just joined today to say thanks to original poster for this thread "arjax" and to "cragildavis" for all the helpful info. My 2014 Q5 TDI has been leaking coolant for the last 3-4 months, no visible evidence of leak on driveway, maybe I lost my sense of smell, and two pressure tests at Audi Service reveal no leak. I had been driving around with 2 containers of coolant, refilling each time I get the warning on my dashboard.
Finally, on my way to work I get the Alternator warning light, "battery not charging" or something similar. Audi told me to drive to dealership asap. Almost made it to dealership, battery lost power, I'm worried about the damage I may have caused. They told me the EGR was leaking, as well as the water pump, and some residue, either oil or coolant, damaged the alternator belt. So all in all, this will be a $6,000 job (CAN$), I may qualify for 10% discount due to age of car.
The extended warranty says "the greater of either 10 years (193,000 km) from vehicles original in-service date OR 4 years (77,000 km) from completion of emission repair. My car has just over 200,000 km. If I did the emission repair at 123,000 km or greater, do I still not qualify since I'm over the 193,000 km threshold?