I've got multiple codes on my VW and believe my DPF is blocked up pretty good. My codes are as follows: P240F, P2BA6, P2002. I purchased the four cans of DPF cleaner and followed the instructions between each can. It never did "run through like water" on the final can as some videos stated it should. Seamed to take as long as the first. (3-4 minutes to empty can) Anyhow, when I started it after the fourth can to do the 40 mile highway drive, the CEL was out.. I was shocked, the filter light was still lit. After about 20 miles at highway speeds the cel popped back on. The cel has been on in this car for months and I'm thinking I plugged the DPF beyond repair.. Is that possible? And while looking on line I see OEM filters for $1,000 or aftermarket filters for $250.. Problem is they say they're for my car, but look nothing like the stock set up.. No where for the o2 sensor to go and differently shaped.. Am I missing something here? I'm a diy'er and want to get the correct setup.. Thanks... Dale