back with better m`spg
My first post was disapointing at best. Since then, with no exageration, mu mpg has improved greater than epa statements. I`ve been driving at or slightly below speed limit. When I`m on I75 I drive 65mph not 70. At night if it`s not to horrible with humidity I drive with moonroof open and AC off. One test I did I found an avg. 3mpg increase with out AC.
Also I`m putting in Power Service
Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost. 4oz. with every fillup. Doing this I`ve noticed a slight increase in power.. I`m averaging on 100% hwy, at or 5mph less than speedlimit, 43+/- one mpg. My avg. mix drive which is about 60% hwy and 40% city, comes in around 35-37 mpg. I`ve also noticed the cars computer generated avg. is almost right on the money with what I`m calculating after fillup.
I would like to know if the PS
Diesel Kleen +Cetane Boost has any damging effects on the 2005 PD motor? I have been using it off and on for a couple of years on my 98` Jetta TDI.