A lot of great info here all- I’m grateful to have found this forum. I’m a new owner of a 2004 Jetta TDI wagon, automatic transmission, 214k km (133k miles) and are having similar issues... though the car first started having trouble engaging in first gear when moving from a standstill (revved up a lot before engaging), and has quite a delay before engaging into 2nd as well. The biggest difference here that I’ve noticed when compared to other similar threads on this topic is that my car was having these troubles after is was WARM (after running 5-10 min), not COLD. These were the issues that were most obvious to me, before I had it towed to the shop.
Long story short, the car was a very recent purchase from a dealership, and I’m pushing them for part responsibility in the potential repairs (based on the salesperson’s 30-day “guarantee”... which I should have got in writing. Lesson learned I guess). Anyway, the car has been looked at by a transmission shop that the dealership sometimes uses (not my first choice obviously, but the dealership is willing to take part financial responsibility...). Apparently nothing is showing up their diagnostic tests, and they’re recommending a rebuild of the transmission. Parts list as follows:
VW Valve body
Seals & rings are metalclad aftermarket
Clutches are Borg Warner
Torque convertor is a remanufactured unit from Transtar Recon
Been calling/researching like a madman for the past 2+ weeks, and was recommended to call (by a VW mechanic) a local transmission shop. Based on my description of the problems, he would take these steps:
Scan codes
Drop pan and check condition of transmission fluid (I’m not sure if dealer’s transmission shop has done this, though I would hope so; I will be speaking with them directly on Monday, instead of through the dealer)
Service the transmission, flush, new oil (50/50 chance that this would help)
Run car for 2-3 weeks; if problem shows up again, will start to tear apart transmission
Replace clutches, 9 solenoids, sensors
This shop said that for this transmission (09A?), that it would be unlikely that the Valve Body would need replacement, and that he would change the solenoids and sensors. This is different than the other shop’s recommendations, though is more in alignment with this thread. Is it true that it is unlikely that the Valve Body would need replacement? Some other shops I’ve talked to (VW/Import specific), mentioned that the Valve Body would likely need replacing and is an expensive part.
Both quotes for the work from both of these places is around the same amount, but with different parts being replaced/serviced. Does anyone have any comments/suggestions? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.