2003 Golf TDI 5 speed manual $6500


Active member
Jan 15, 2018
Ok Im letting the go of the Golf, and I wanted to show it to you guys first. I am asking for $6500 Here is the break down. I am the second owner. I bought the car in 2016.
  • Car miles 237k- Engine miles 217 (yes that is 217) rebuilt motor
  • New stock turbo
  • Timing belt- water pump kit
  • Used injection pump
  • Motor mounts and new bolts
  • Transmission dog bone
  • Valve cover gasket and new bolts
  • New battery purchased in October
  • New leather shifter boot cover still haven't installed yet
  • Air filter
  • Brake vacuum hose kit
  • Coolant hose kit
  • EGR valve
  • New dip stick and housing
  • Glow pugs, and glow plug harness
  • New starter
  • New Clutch
Things it needs at the moment
  • Cabin filter
  • Drivers side handle interior has come unglued
  • Fuel lines before fuel filter look like they're ready to be replaced
  • Rear hatch will not open with valet, only manual key. needs replacement switch
  • Some paint damage on rear bumper
  • Front right wheel well plastic is cracked right behind intercooler
  • Head liner starting come down in the back
  • other than that car has no body damage, and no dents, no rust.
Back story/ broke a piston back in 2018, and from there I started the rebuild process. I had the motor rebuilt in 2018 and ended up spending a lot of money in the process. After the rebuild and install where complete; I found out that I was going to need a new IP as well. After finding out how much injection pumps cost I realized that I was going to be way over budget on the project. I also ran out of patience so I opted for a new car payment. I found a 15 TDI sports wagon. I ended up putting the 03 on the shelf for a while. I have been slowing buying new parts through the years. This past year I found some time to finish the car. It felt really good to get her back on road after all this time. ID parts has been my friend through out this project. All parts are from IDparts or Kerma TDI
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