Veteran Member
I checked the L & DFM pin on the harness and the plug on the alternator. There was no voltage on any of them.Check and make sure you don't have constant 12v power to the L pin on the alternator plug
I hooked up the alternator that came with the donor engine and there was a 10mA draw. I must have hurt my Fluke because it won't measure current any more. So, I used a cheapie backup.
Then I hooked up the Napa alternator to verify the current draw with the cheapie multimeter. It was around .35A draw.
I pulled out the alternator and will see if Napa will let me return it tomorrow. I read their warranty info online and it says the will cover repair or replacement. This is the one I bought. https://www.napaonline.com/en/search?text=NRO 1N9553&referer=v2 I though it'd be reliable because it was new.Nice , at least you’re heading in the right direction.
If it is a bad alt I highly recommend one from Moz…. He does an excellent job on rebuilding them.
If they take it back I'll buy one from @Mozambiquer
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