It doesn't really matter that some small percentage of the population are unwilling to accept the science of anthropogenic global warming. Let them enjoy their denialism fantasy. The rest of the world will move forward whether they like it or not.
No, it doesn't really matter, because if it even was serious there's no way that you'd get participation from enough countries to do anything at all because the US is a tiny fraction of the contributors to the alleged problem yet we're the ones that are apparently dumb enough to consider footing the bill for it. As I mentioned, most rational people are concerned more with where food is going to be coming from and where the money to pay exorbitant property taxes is going to come from because unless you've been under a rock our problem right now is inflation and a collapsing economy, and I have news for you, it's not over yet.
Poor people don't give a rats ass about climate change and honestly if you're on tdiclub then you're not part of the elite that are pontificating on high about what the 'little people' need to do for the climate, and you're also not part of the elite that will profit from this.
You're asking people to seriously reduce their standard of living on a notion that is not only unproven, but faulty, and designed exclusively for the purpose of fleecing the population of more tax dollars to be put in the pockets of those that have already benefited greatly from reckless government spending and extensive misappropriation. That and there's going to be zero possibility of measuring whether it did any good at all.
You want to pay for all this? How about pay for the $31+ trillion in national debt we already have and can't seem to do anything about. That will never be paid and that doesn't address all the unfunded liabilities that aren't included, so double that and maybe you're there.
But this misguided notion that all hell is going to break loose unless we revert to living in caves and discontinue our use of've just been seriously gaslighted for way too long. If we terminated now all hydrocarbon sources for electricity we'd have exactly 11 seconds of electricity and that would be it. That's all you get from renewables....that's it, almost zero. So don't preach to me about what we need to do. Because it sounds like you haven't a clue about what would happen if all hydrocarbon use was discontinued....the economy everywhere would would all go away and you would have zero employment like everyone else.
So what you really need to do is pray that the climate propagandists don't succeed....because all that you know will vanish. And then you'll get to witness the power the earth possesses to destroy what man constructs...because there will be zero maintenance going ...nada.
You want to do something positive for the climate? Get rid of 10 airliners...or 20 private jets....they do far more damage than all the diesel cars in the US combined. know what's worse for the climate than any VW tdi? Igniting toxic chemical rail cars in East Palestine Ohio, ...but it was done anyway...and how about West coast wild fires....they jettison far more particulate matter into the atmosphere than my diesel car ever will. These situations are conveniently forgotten or set aside when having the grand climate discussion....
I'm tired of hearing about how bad we all are.