1996 1.9 TDI Passat

The Kiwi Kid

Apr 26, 2001
7700 Miles. Its started cutting out every
2-3 days : have eliminated any eletronic
fault so it must be fuel/injector/pump/line connected ?? Have replaced fuel relay switch.

Where do I go from here ??????


Moderator at Large
Jun 16, 1999
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
2006 Jetta TDI
What the heck is a "fuel relay switch"? And how did you eliminate any electronic fault? Just because there aren't any codes stored or there's no "check engine" light, doesn't mean the problem isn't electrical in nature.

Sounds like Relay 109 problems, but that isn't what that relay is called! If this relay conks, you will NOT get trouble codes stored, it's exactly as if you switch off the key, and then it will intermittently allow the engine to start and run afterward as if nothing had happened, until the next time the relay cuts out.

In general, mechanical problems with the fuel supply system will not cause the engine to intermittently cut out without other symptoms present. Fuel starvation will cause gradual loss of power. Leaks of air into the fuel system are easily visible as gross amounts of air bubbles in the clear plastic fuel lines. Major mechanical failure will stop the car dead and that's the end of the story, it won't start up again.

I'm pretty sure you have an electrical problem, but you need to keep looking!

Brian P.
'96 Passat TDI mit UPsolute

The Kiwi Kid

Apr 26, 2001
Brian P.

Tks. your reply.

You may be right but I have a feeling
"Fuel relay Switch" which is a solenoid
and Relay 109 may be the same thing.
Its the only relay on the fuel line.

I had a professional Auto Elect. check
all electronics and I even had a new
ignition key start system put in.
I've found that if I keep my foot hard down on the gas pedal it kicks in again after about 10-15 seconds.

Any more thoughts would be appreciated
otherwise its a very expensive trip to
a VW Main dealer coming up.


Moderator at Large
Jun 16, 1999
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
2006 Jetta TDI
There is no relay on the fuel line! There is a cutoff solenoid on the pump, in the engine compartment, it is NOT on the fuel line.

Replace Relay 109. It is NOT the same thing, it's in the fuse panel, and the new part costs $20 or so, the replacement is a do-it-yourself job. See what happens.

Brian P.
'96 Passat TDI mit UPsolute

The Kiwi Kid

Apr 26, 2001
Hello GoFaster,

Found the relay 109 exactly where you said it
was !!. Replacing tomorrow. 500 miles
will tell whether its done the job or not !!.

Many Tks. again.

Peter Wilson.