Hmmm, Thunder1 was just teasing and all. Ok, didn't sound like it, but I can accept it.
His first post said our Passat buddies were full of "it." The second told this "Newbie" to dream on! (BTW, Thunder, I'm five months after you on this forum- and THAT's registration date, let's not count the 18 months of lurking, nor the "only owned Volkswagens since my '65 Beetle." I guess this nooB must not be posting enough expressions of doubt about other pople's MPG claims to get my Veteran status!
More to the point, I didn't dare suggest you apologize for expressing your doubt or skepticism (opinion). I joked that you should put your money (lunch) where your mouth (doubt) is! I suggested that you apologize (and buy lunch) once the two of you hit 1400 miles on your journey- If you fuel up at 1200, then lunch is on Ramm. I didn't much expect you to go for it, but please don't misrepresent my statement. You are entitled to your opinion, doubt, and skepticism. At the same time you might want to allow the source of your skepticism a chance to prove themselves (again).
Oh, and I'm sorry your NB auto has caused these feelings. Maybe trade it in for a B3 Passat Wagon?