1.6na timing belt alignemt


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2010
Bozeman, MT
1998 TDI Jetta, 1986/88 NA Diesel Jetta
I just got the new timing belt on my 1986 1.6 and the belt seems to be riding off-center on the crank pulley and the one between that and the pump. The old belt showed signs of wear from this.
How do I make it ride centered on all the pulleys?

Vince Waldon

Top Post Dawg
Apr 25, 2009
Edmonton AB Canada
2001 ALH Jetta, 2003 ALH Wagon, 2005 BEW Wagon
This can happen for a variety of reasons including:

- pump loose on the mount... there are 3 bolts in the front and one in the back
- pump mount loose on the block
- someone overtightened the timing belt at one point and the front intermediate shaft bearing has worn (hows your oil pressure when hot?)

The first step would be to confirm the above. Some folks have been able to make small adjustments by loosening the pump and/or mount and tilting the alignment slightly, but a mis-tracking timing belt on an IDI is usually a sign of a problem somewhere that needs to be addressed.

Lots of conversations on this at www.vwdiesel.net, where is where most of the IDI crowd seem to have gathered these days.


Top Post Dawg
Dec 11, 2008
Central Wisconsin
Golf 2004
Mine road off on my 1.9 TD aaz when the mount bolt fell out. You need to do more research on the actual engine as something isn't right. The belt shouldn't wear on the sides or any where else really. They age/mile out-not wear out.