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  1. P

    Mustang Drive Shafts Grenading

    Is this truly confined to people who've removed the 113 MPH governor? Would this be a failure in design or in construction of the part - definitely seems to be a problem with unintended use :eek:. (you can hear a high-pitch vibrato set in just before...
  2. P

    Little Rk. to Asheville Via US 129 then Raleigh

    The main highlights were that I returned 46.5 MPG between Lafayette, Louisiana and Little Rock. Traffic was light and I made up for the fuel economy hit from the new 75 MPH speed limit on I-49 by the lower speed limits on US 167. I filled up a little early as there are a dearth of diesel pumps...
  3. P

    Driver Door Backed Into on New Years' advice sought.

    I was at Autntie's house on New Years' Day when one of my relatives backed into the drivers door of my 2011 Golf. It was a pretty good whack and there is a great big dent in the door panel now. Worse, the whole door is out of joint...there is about a 1/6th of an inch gap at the top when closed...