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  1. uzurper helps you track your Fuel Economy!

    Hello TDI Club! I've been working on a smartphone app to encourage tracking your car's fuel costs. The app is called SnapOdo and I'm looking for some beta testers and overall feedback on how I can improve the app driving forward into 2017. Please check it out at or at...
  2. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    I agree 100% - YOU are more responsible for your individual fuel efficiency than the suppliers. The part of FE where fuel suppliers comes in is across different suppliers: for example: - ultra low sulphur diesel as it varies from supplier to supplier, region to region, country to country - 87...
  3. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    Thanks for your brutal honesty! So far, the results of the survey are right down the middle: half do not care about FE, half do care about FE. Anyways, back to my real job... :cool:
  4. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    Great feedback! I gather there is no need for *instantaneous* FE results - mostly because people recognize a fuel fill up as a "sunk cost." Regardless, it's one of the goals of the software: to build global awareness about FE. The MVP (minimum viable product) that I'm building / demoing takes...
  5. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    The last question is essentially the survey hypothesis: Finding users who are interested in the app / game I'm building. The app calculates your fuel economy - through photos - but also rewards users with points for their efforts. These points can then be accumulated and used to enter prize...
  6. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    No worries! Thanks for your input!
  7. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    Here's the direct link to the Google Survey - Thanks again!
  8. uzurper

    Quick! Car Fuel Economy Survey! Help me do my homework!

    Hi guys and gals! Doing some homework here and I need to gather some feedback on car fuel economy! If you have 5 minutes, please do my survey? :D Thanks in advance!
  9. uzurper

    Drove a 2015 Golf yesterday

    +1 for mo_focus I only look at Diesel cars now. Last month, I had my car in the shop for 2 weeks (I got hit by a TTC bus) - Long story short, my insurance lumped me with a Dodge Avenger (a little bigger and much faster than my Golf TDI). I had to pay twice as much in 87 petrol than my usual...
  10. uzurper

    OT: York Region Startup Weekend

    Hi guys & gals, any interest in the upcoming Startup Weekend? I just registered for York Region (Markham) and I'm looking to meet up with some people prior to the event. I'm looking forward to pitching a great idea: kind of like Fuelly, but more iOS & Android oriented and fun. Any developers /...
  11. uzurper

    Another iPhone App for Diesel Geek

    You're bang on about your privacy. Unfortunately, we are living in a smaller and smaller digital world. Everything is connected to everything wirelessly and through our Internet networks. I like that the app is trying to "educate" drivers, not sure if it will accomplish that in the long run...
  12. uzurper

    Another iPhone App for Diesel Geek

    Heard about the Google + VW lovechild called Smileage as well - more or a marketing app / advert than anything else. I'm currently addicted to Waze on my Android.
  13. uzurper

    Another iPhone App for Diesel Geek

    Looks like a bluetooth + ODB dongle of sorts...
  14. uzurper

    Another iPhone App for Diesel Geek

    Too bad about this being only available in the US. "Weekly drive score and timeline" sounds very interesting... Some of the other features wouldn't necessarily apply to me: - remember where you parked - crash calls 911 - check engine light
  15. uzurper

    Another iPhone App for Diesel Geek

    Hi guys, just caught wind of this site / mobile app. I'm interested in hearing your initial thoughts and impressions.
  16. uzurper

    Montreal II's w/Rubber

    That's understandable. Hope you didn't have to drive too far for the disappointment? He really could learn to use some elbow grease and clean up his rims/wheels. Could have gotten his asking price. ;) I haven't had to re-finish any of my rims *yet.* Prevention is still the way to go! I swear by...
  17. uzurper

    Montreal II's w/Rubber

    "One man's trash is another man's treasure" I picked these up on Sunday, cleaned them out and mounted them. After two days of rolling, I'm quite pleased with them. They haven't lost any tire pressure and I admit that they aren't "immaculate." If the tires last the summer then I'll be happy...
  18. uzurper

    Montreal II's w/Rubber

    Thanks for posting this here! :)
  19. uzurper

    Top Gear Season 18

    LINK. ;) Supercars and more hijinks in episode one! What a great start to the season!
  20. uzurper

    Top Gear Season 18

    And if you haven't seen it, here's a video to introduce the 18th series of Top Gear.