You aren't driving enough at that rate to justify a diesel. Even in my normal commute each day, I still manage to fill up every couple of weeks. When I lived in a different area and was commuting 90 minutes each way, it was once a week. If you want to keep your car happy, you need to get out and...
About thisvl report - I haven't found a source yet that explains whether this is per year? Over the 7 year time frame? Because of the 500k in the US? Because of the 11 million around the globe? Any insight anyone?
Well, that is embarrassing, especially since one of the floated fixes was "turning" a 189 into a 288.... Methinks it is beginning to get a little rough in Der Vaterland...
Someone is going to have to come up with a challenge for post #9,250. Maybe a picture of your TDI, with a recall notice, in front of a flaming dealership. Bonus points for a plunger in the photo!
Don't you want to get your car rekeyed all the way around? I mean, right now some has the ability to get in your car and just drive it off, no muss, no fuss...
I usually turn mine off with a code scanner. If you don't have one handy, for an emissions related issue, it'll take a hundred miles over various driving conditions to reset as it performs necessary tests. Just give it a couple days.
I second on the good floor mats. Last winter, I replaced my carpet mats with Monster mats from the dealership (with "Jetta" on the side, because I am a tool... :) ). That did wonders for getting rid of the musty smell out of my car and clearing up my windows.
I don't run with any blocking -...
There is an old adage that on a VW, if the Check Engine light is on - all is well. If it is out, there is a problem and that you should replace the light and hope that it comes on again. Welcome to VW ownership - it's fun, but it can be frustrating!
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