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  1. DrftrTDI

    You HAVE to watch this...I promise it's good

    Golfrunner - Thank you very much for your comment. JSW- I've watched the entire segment (via youtube). The man is hilarious, and have foundno one that can match is comic view and skill. My interest in Clean Diesel and VW TDI's grows tremendously everyday. So comparing our cars to...
  2. DrftrTDI

    You HAVE to watch this...I promise it's good

    Need a laugh? Feeling a little insecure about your VW.? Or just bored? Feakin hilarious I tell ya... :D
  3. DrftrTDI

    You HAVE to watch this...I promise it's good

    Need a laugh? Feeling a little insecure about your VW.? Or just bored? Feakin hilarious I tell ya... :D
  4. DrftrTDI

    TDI: Good or bad assessment

    I'm on a 140 mile roundtrip...everyday. I bought mine around 5/11, and will be hitting 30k most likely this weekend (or early next week). My gf (who has same car but DSG, mine is manual) is right behind me, after only buying her car about a month after mine, she drives 180 miles round...
  5. DrftrTDI

    Improving the looks of the Jetta...

    What's the dealer you went to? I almost went that way, but found Gunther of Coconut Creek had exactly what I was looking for on lot.
  6. DrftrTDI

    2012 Jetta ( no windshild fluid indicator)

    Did previous VW models have this? In addition to that...I've had my car since beginning of 2011, and have yet to run out. And like pdt said - we use it in FL...A LOT. On a side note (since we're on the topic) - why are washer nozzles these days designed to spray every car around you except...
  7. DrftrTDI

    2012 Jetta ( no windshild fluid indicator)

    I'm trying to think on my past cars...I don't specifically recall ever seeing a fluid indicator for the wipers.
  8. DrftrTDI

    2011 TDI Tax Credit?

    The above IS correct. They withdrew the Tax Credit available to us for the purchase of TDI's because on the influx of other words - you bought a "hot" car that everyone is buying, and the gubamint don't feel they need to give you a tax break. I called the IRS about a month ago...
  9. DrftrTDI

    Rear Defrost

    Or Florida :cool:
  10. DrftrTDI

    interior lights

    Run leds (or similar)...wire them to the front map light fuse.
  11. DrftrTDI

    d/s wiper cannot be lifted up

    OP's post seemed a reasonable Q to me. It didn't seem like he/she was asking for help to get it to service mode. I myself have found it odd that the wiper is designed that way. When I wash my car(s), I like to lift the wipers to get underneath them. I don't really want to have to get in the...
  12. DrftrTDI

    First gear issue, Jetta 6 speed

    +1 Unless you're at, or close to, a near dead stop, 2nd is sufficient enough to get or keep you rolling. I use 1st to get me rolling, but unless it's to substitue light braking, I rarely use it.
  13. DrftrTDI

    Clear Bra - Price and Application

    mysql- Thanks for the ref. Checking them out now. torri - Which model Jetta did you choose? The options I see are S, SE and SEL (whereas a few other sites I've looked at have a TDI option).
  14. DrftrTDI

    Clear Bra - Price and Application

    Yeah...the paint comes with a lifetime (I think) warranty. So if anything like this happened again, I could get it repainted no extra cost. Which brings me to something I hadn't thought of before, I'm suprised it's not covered in VW warranty.
  15. DrftrTDI

    Clear Bra - Price and Application

    So, a couple months ago I had a mishap with something corrosive on my paint. I do not know what it was (suspect brake fluid from a car in front while driving), but it's left a nasty streak on the drivers side top-surfaces of my hood, roof and trunk (less effected as it travels to the trunk)...
  16. DrftrTDI

    Candy White Build

    Which Kit did you order?
  17. DrftrTDI

    Anyone else have a problem with interior panels vibrating?

    Oh, the mental image...:D Scene (At dawn, a snowy day)- Driving down highway. See hazard lights from a car on the right shoulder. Getting closer. Closer. A man's shadowy figure appears. See man trunk with a metal-like object.
  18. DrftrTDI

    Anyone else have a problem with interior panels vibrating?

    I hear the one in the dash cluster seldomly anymore. Sounded like styrofoam squeak...maybe that what is used directly behind the plastic? As far as the passenger side, I hear that often too. My first guess is that it's coming from the air vent (furthest on the right) or close to it. Though I...
  19. DrftrTDI

    first post and my first TDI...

    Welcome! You've made a great choice. take everything with a grain of salt, but read as much as you can through the tidbits, How-To's and other helpful info provided by an extensive list of members here.