Search results

  1. C

    Those "other" B4 vacuum solenoids.

    vacuum valves O.k. , have similar issues dealing with the vacuum solenoids . part #( 97 jetta aaz ,idi diesel) 1hos06283 and 283a fast idle solenoid and turbo (wastevalve control???) When the engine temp rises , the solenoid gets deactivated and drops the idle rpm. At that point , the...
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    aaz , vacuum solenoids (97 jetta ,idi)

    O.k. , removed both solenoids and replaced the rotten felt washers with rubber . Result: my smoke issue disappeared , and things appear to acellerate normally . the fast idle solenoid is not cooperating the same , with activation of a/c , it kicks in the fast idle too . When with normal...
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    aaz , vacuum solenoids (97 jetta ,idi)

    Thanks vince (as usual) i think i figured out the problem . The vacuum solenoids have a loose lid on them , it rests on a felt ring and closes the excess of outside air to the vacuum circuit. the felt washers are rotten and allow air to enter all the time . Will try to replace the felt with...
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    aaz , vacuum solenoids (97 jetta ,idi)

    Correct , but i do have a vacuum pump. I connected a vacuum gauge to the circuit and can see how much i have at the brake booster.
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    Fuel economy on 97 jetta 1.9 aaz (idi)

    i get mostly around the same 850 , my engine has over 450000 and pŕetty worn though.
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    aaz , vacuum solenoids (97 jetta ,idi)

    Hi all, having issues with my vacuum . Have a gauge in the cabin and notice that my vacuum at cold start runs a good 28 inches, this drops (instantly) to 12 when engine temperature activates the vacuum solenoids . I have 2 , 1 is for the turbo , what does the other do??? also , at cold , poor...
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    Intermediate Shaft Outer Bearing R&R

    Thanks for the info , am about to do similar operation . Have you considerated installing a permanent oil presure gauge?? Real easy and i at least know what is happening?
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    aaz intermediate shaft bearing

    Thanks, i did know there are two. Most wear is usually on the outer one due to the timingbelt pressure.
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    aaz intermediate shaft bearing

    Thanks vince , as usual.
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    aaz intermediate shaft bearing

    Hi all any thoughts on wheather replacing the intermediate shaft bearing on a 97 jetta with aaz engine is doable "in car " , (and replacing crank and main bearings ). Dealing with marginal oil pressure when hot . Thanks for any tips .
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    this question is on shift linkage

    From my experience , the nylon bushings of the shift levers when excessively worn, can cause the symptoms you describe. A kit of bushings runs about 8 dollars. These kits do not include the bushings for the bellcrank lever.
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    aaz pump vent valve leaking

    Thanks for the headsup!!
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    aaz pump vent valve leaking

    Hi all has anyone ever changed a ventvalve seal on the aaz pump ? The car is a 97 mexican jetta 1.9 idi diesel. The rubber sleeve located near the top of the injectionpump is spitting a drop every now and then. Am wondering if the seal can be replaced from the top cover and what precautions...
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    cabin air filter location 97 jetta

    Thank you all for your input, i thought i was losing it .
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    BEW Smoke cloud on cold start in any weather

    Mine ( 85 1.6 ) is doing the same thing , when i keep the (manual) glowplugs on it stops smoking and runs on alll 4. My thought is : low compression on 1 or 2 cylinders . After a few minutes it clears up and runs normal.
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    cabin air filter location 97 jetta

    Hi all, am looking for my cabin air filter on my 97 jetta with aaz engine (mexican made for can market), no filter under plastic cowl cover in the engine comparment , just a rough plastic grate covered air inlet. Next , under the glove box passenger side . Also nothing but the duct work. did...
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    this question is on shift linkage

    What i do , is lock the shaft with visegrip with the shiftknob in neutral , position the transmission lever in neutral , then re secure the clamp on the end of the shiftrod in vertical position . usually i get it right first time but some tweaking may be required.
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    awx rebuild kit

    Hi all , am looking for a place to buy an engine rebuild kit (for a friend) for a 2005 a4 bmw with an awx engine. I guess that was the 130 hp , pumpe /duse engine, 1.9 . any hints would be appreciated.
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    awx rebuild kit

    Hi all . Am (for a friend)looking for where i can buy a rebuild kit for a 2004 audi with a awx engine. This engine was fitted to a small number of vw pasats as well.i am not sure if it is a "duse"style or rail injection. Any help would be appreciated.