Search results

  1. B

    Wanted: 1997 B4 Passat stock shift cable.

    If anyone has done the shifter swap & has the parts left over I am interested in buying the shift cable. Seems they are not available anymore & I have welded mine for the last time.
  2. B

    I want to convert electric windows to manual.

    Both front windows regulators have chewed up the gears. Im not sure how they work but Im thinking the resistance in the motor when it hits the stop rolling the window up or down causes the switch to pop like a breaker & stop the windows. The reason I think this is because I dont see any kind of...
  3. B

    B4 shifter cable search

    On my cable the loop that held a rubber bushing to the shifter broke. I was able to weld a bolt with the head cut off to the cable then weld the loop to a nut. Its been working for about a year now. That may be the post you found. :-) Also some of the guys that have upgraded to a newer model...
  4. B

    How to get the steering collar back on?

    Found this thread after I posted mine "B4 ignition switch replacement, steering column seems to have shortened" Im not understanding it so it was not much help.
  5. B

    How to get the steering collar back on?

    I followed the sticky about taking the steering wheel & collar off to get to the ignition switch. The problem I have is with the spring & collar on I cant get the nut on the shaft. I thought the shaft may have slid down so I put a bunch of big washers on it & used the nut to pull it out which...
  6. B

    Repairing a broken B4 shifter cable

    I just wanted to put the How To out there about what I did to repair a broken shifter cable. A month or so back I was pulling out of a parking lot, grabbed second gear but when I went for third the engine revved & I was not in gear. The shifter was sloppy & after a few seconds of trying to find...
  7. B

    Bad knock after 1.5-2 hours of driving.

    I originally had to replace the axle because I hit a fence post & broke the outer CV joint. I replaced it with a used one which probably cost as much as the new one I just got. This last one was replace when the inner joint went out most likely due to the boot cracking & the grease coming out...
  8. B

    200,000 mile club... roll call!

    1997 Passat. 207K. Original motor eat the turbo at 136k miles. Ran good but at 1 quart of oil per 40 miles it was starting to get expensive. Plus the cops said I could not drive it. The second wrecking yard motor was reported to have 135k miles when I put it in. Other than the door handles &...
  9. B

    Bad knock after 1.5-2 hours of driving.

    Update/Correction/Solution: I got the chance to do some testing coming back from a trip the weekend before Thanksgiving. Also Monday & Tuesday going to work. I noticed that I could make it knock on deceleration especial in 3rd gear. It also seemed to get worse turning right & when I was turning...
  10. B

    Bad knock after 1.5-2 hours of driving.

    I wish I had thought of the sticking injector while it was knocking. I could have done the coast test. Im sure I did but dont recall the results.
  11. B

    Bad knock after 1.5-2 hours of driving.

    Flywheel: If I recall it looked like a regular FW. From what I have read it should have the same clutch setup as the VR6. Injectors: Never thought thought of that. I would think that would cause a performance hit. I have not checked the spray pattern on the injectors since I put the engine in...
  12. B

    Bad knock after 1.5-2 hours of driving.

    A little background. About 3 years ago I decided to put a new (to me) engine in my 97 Passat. The Passat engines were a lot more expensive than the Jetta TDIs & from the research I did they are about the same. It seems to work OK. The biggest issue I had was it was down on power & will go into...
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    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    HEX-USB+CAN North of McKinney, Texas 75424.