VCDS required, from a post in a different forum which worked for me.
Step 9: VAG COM Coding
Reconnect battery!
Go into either the radio or navigation (same thing) and click "coding" followed by "long code helper" and enable bit 6 on byte 3 (pictured)
In our situation VW claims line told us on 11/29, when in 3rd party verification status, that I could submit a second claim. They couldn't give timelines for that 3rd party verification status so they recommended the 2nd claim.
I asked would that not cause an issue down the road, as it had...
Today was the 3rd business day for the "escalation" status. Nothing from VW. No calls, nothing. So I'm pretty sure that was BS.
I called, told them I'm on 76 business days from document acceptance and 50 confirmed business days since all of my documents got past the 3rd party auditor (one...
Nope! I'm one of the three white JSW TDIs in town. Ours is a manual but has a red bullseye sticker on the drivers' door. We've called our car bullseye for a while, long story.
I wish I had done the online thing. But instead my card is not able to be extended. I'm 1.5hrs from the closest VW dealership so I was hoping to use the dealership card when turning in the car. Given was accepted on 10/10 and have no offer still... that went out the window and so did that...
I tried to get mine extended, they would not do it.
The dealership card. I'm about 1.5hrs from any dealership so I guess mine is dead and that's $500 lost.
How did you guys get them to extend the card?
VW customer care advocate lady said I'm out of luck.
I came on just to see if I was alone.
It's been 47 business days since I confirmed my documents were past VW, past the 3rd party auditor, and my offer was in draft status.
I uploaded on 10/10 the day I was first allowed.
Documents approved on 11/2.
Since then it's been a crazy slow walk.
Nov 2, 2016, at 5:32 AM
all green check marks.
I call about every 5 business days.
Last call, I'm past VW, I'm past 3rd party auditor, I'm at draft offer stage... whatever that is... for the past... 19biz days.
The situations where your documents were accepted but still no offer, I'm surprised they haven't given you the run around I've gotten this week. VW sends off the paperwork to a "third party" legal firm to review before putting the offer together. If you documents are stopped at this stage...
In my case I had uploaded on 10/10, documents were approved 11/2. I had not received any kind of offer.
So, I had assistants call 3 days in a row 11/21-23.
Finally, on 11/23 a rep looked up my claim and said, OH, your vehicle registration document was not accepted b/c it was chopped in 1/2...
I'm glad you got a rejection notification. I did not. I uploaded my vehicle registration details and the PDF got cut in half, only having the "tax receipt" section. They accepted my documents on 11/2 but after two days of calling finally told me yesterday on the phone...that I had uploaded...
I downloaded a copy of the spreadsheet again this morning at 6:50am EST.
It looks like, by my sorting offline, no one has gotten an offer to notarize and return since 11/17 and 11/15.
The Notary return day sort looks like this for the last few lines:
would be wise to do that, I was in there at something like 7am EST and it had 40+ people viewing... but most all were anonymous (not sure if that is a google protection). may have to start limiting to people with legit google accounts or have authenticated to or something.
I've had people call on my behalf yesterday on our claim.
They were told 14 days.
Other threads they are now saying phone support says no time limit...
I have someone calling them again now as today is the 14th business day since my documents were accepted.
If you want an offline copy to play with in Excel, this is the data as of 10:25am EST today.
Note: expect it to crash excel and have to save it as an excel binary format for some of the advanced sorting. At...
I had my digital assistant service fancyhands call the line yesterday.
They told us 14 business days....which for me... is Today.
Will see.
Well that's great if they are slow on processing the notarized letters upon upload back to VW Claims. I was hoping to get this all done during the holidays. :0
Today is the 14th business day since they accepted our documents. In theory, when we talked to the claims line yesterday, I should...
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