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  1. P

    2012 Passat HID DIY Install

    i installed deAutoKey head lights and interior lights shortly after i took delivery of a 2013 Passat TDI SEL back in summer of '13. The lights worked great, but a few interior lights started to flicker/fail. The good news is that they stand 100% behind their products. I contacted them and...
  2. P

    DeAutoKey HIDs? Who has them?

    I have a 2013 Passat TDI SEL. I purchased the deAutoKey HID upgrade as well as the interior LED lights shortly after I took delivery of the car summer of 2013. deAutoKey website has a great DIY with pictures. It was quite tedious as you need to remove the entire lens assembly to have better...
  3. P

    Our 1st road trip in the TDI - Calif-Oregon-Washington

    Hi all, I have owned a '13 Passat TDI for almost 3 yrs now. She has been begging me to take her out on a road trip, so we finally plotted out a 12-day west coast road trip. The hardest part was to plan out the entire trip. I wanted see as we go and stop as we please, but wife preferred to...
  4. P

    AdBlue consumption

    I exhausted my AdBlue to 0 mile no start up, then filled 2.5 gal jug at around 33k miles. Today at 39k miles, 1500 mile warning came up. So seems like 7000 miles will consume roughly 2.5 gal of DEF. Out of the 7k miles, 4k were around town commute driving, and 3k were on a road trip, mainly...
  5. P

    '13 Passat interior lights malfunction

    Weirdest thing happened few days ago! My front and rear dome lights have been working intermittently for the past few weeks. This past weekend finally the lights stopped working. The symptom is that when the switch is set at "door" position and any door is opened, the dome lights won't come...
  6. P

    Passet models impacts by emission test recall

    I also read 2 different lists. Early list didn't have early Passats, but the latest list has all models 2012 and on. The pollutant in question is NOx, correct? And if I recalled correctly, DEF neutralizes NOx so it is no longer is harmful? So theoretically speaking, if increasing DEF...
  7. P

    Costco Diesel coming to Irvine!!!

    stopped by and talked to the attendant at the pump. they're adding 2 islands, and unfortunately, diesel pump will share with petro pump. construction will take about 2 months, so probably finish end of Sept. looking forward to pumping diesel at costco! aye!!!
  8. P

    Costco Diesel coming to Irvine!!!

    While passing by Irvine Costco today, saw a sign outside saying diesel fuel is coming to this location. Construction starts July 13. I'm so excited to see this!!!
  9. P

    2015 Passat and Regeneration Issue

    my commute is relative short, ~15 miles daily, mostly local street. I do get the regen once a while (high speed fan). never had any issues. i wish i can manually turn on regen without using vcds.....
  10. P

    VCDS --- >Top 10

    I installed HID lights from deAutokey. I had problem with headlight going off randomly. After disabling the bulb life extend and voltage to max, i don't have issues anymore. Just FYI....
  11. P

    VCDS --- >Top 10

    What does this feature do? When you press the brake padel, the hazard light comes on? Does it happen all the time? or only under certain condition? I've seen some cars (not VW) that has 3rd brake light (high mount) flashing when brake pedal is depressed. Not sure if this is available on Passat?
  12. P

    DEF Capacity

    When I did my 10k mile service, dealer spilled DEF in my trunk. So when it's time for 20k mile service, I brought 2 empty kruse bottles, asking if they could just fill those up. My SA was cooler than I thought, he ended up giving me a 2.5 gal jug of VW DEF. Just FYI, the VW jug will not work...
  13. P

    iPhone 6 Bluetooth

    you might want to check this one out if you haven't seen it. 8.1 should have fixed the problem, but doesn't hurt to make sure everything is set up as described in this support page.
  14. P

    Goodyear wipers from Costco, finally fits the narrow 17mm push button arm!!!

    This is the first wiper from any mass merchant (reasonably priced) that fits our odd size 17mm push button connector. Dealer wants $25 for a piece, local auto shops don't have any that would fit 17mm arm. So I'm just glad this one fits! Hopefully more will be available.
  15. P

    Goodyear wipers from Costco, finally fits the narrow 17mm push button arm!!!

    i have tried their previous version, it didn't even fit. this one is completely different from previous version of goodyear blade sold at costco. I will take some pictures when it is fitted on the arm.
  16. P

    Goodyear wipers from Costco, finally fits the narrow 17mm push button arm!!!

    This week Costco has Goodyear wipers for sale - $3 off per blade. These are new for 2014. I looked up the chart and it said will work for NMS Passat, so I bought a pair just to try out. Sure enough, the attachment will work for both 19mm and 17mm push button arm. Our NMS has the 17mm arm...
  17. P

    iPhone 6 Bluetooth

    i am having difficulty connecting the iphone 6 with RNS510. bluetooth stream playing from phone is ok, but i can't get the phone working. when i make a call, initially i can hear audio from the speakers, but will eventually drop and audio goes within iphone. there are plenty of complaints re...
  18. P

    Anybody get Navigation Map Discount email?

    I got both email and regular mail on the same subject. Unlike Honda Navigation website, the VW nav website does not show what updates are included (state, city, area, etc). Sad....