Search results

  1. supersport1972

    3.0l TDI ZF8-HP55 TCU tune

    I actually went through Darkside Developments for my tune a few years ago. They did the same for me to fine tune it. I had even inquired with them about a TCU tune but wasn't able to do mine since they physically needed my car to do it. They had decided to just take a look at my tune file and...
  2. supersport1972

    3.0l TDI ZF8-HP55 TCU tune

    I haven't found a thread on this specific tune for the ZF8 transmission so I thought I'd start one. My car is a 2016 A6 TDI C7.5 (current specs in signature) I had done a ton of searching and didn't like the idea of a plain cookie cutter tune from something like DTUK or TuneZilla. Not to say...
  3. supersport1972

    Transmission Mount Insert C7/C7.5

    I can second this on the noise for the aluminum transmission insert, ECS rear top diff mount inserts, and the ECS front position rear diff insert. No vibration added to the cab that I could notice. I had installed the black poly insert from powerflex for the transmission insert and basically...
  4. supersport1972

    kermaTDI has the Official ARP 1.9L TDI Head Stud Kit

    I believe there are now but I'm unable to find them on ARP or Kerma's site. It would be best to give them a call. The sales guys are pretty good. I trashed my BEW head a couple years ago and I swear I recall that they were available.
  5. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Sorry for all the dumb questions on here. If I would have just read the Bentley manual over again it would have made sense. I've got the car all back together with a new Colt Cam, fresh head rebuild and full timing belt kit. Car runs awesome and pulls pretty damn hard. Paul and the guys at...
  6. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Well I fought with the dealer and had no luck. I may take them to small claims but it will probably be pointless to do so. I've had the head rebuilt and a colt stage 2 cam installed. So now my question is, how do I tell where to set the crank sprocket and cam gear so the timing is correct? I was...
  7. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Shouldn't it be standard practice to install a new tensioner instead of reusing the old one?
  8. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Yeah the chronology is pretty close. Sadly I didn't take pictures as I pulled it apart. If I had to guess, the tensioner started to become lose and eventually ripped the teeth off. Nothing was seized up or noisy when I checked everything. They are the only VW/Audi/Porsche/Merc dealer in the city...
  9. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    No I think it only went about 15k. The dealership removed the timing belt when they replaced the head. That was in Feb of 2012. Belt was only 60k old over all though.
  10. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Timing belt failed, also noticed the tensioner was not positioned correctly before I removed it. On the backside of the tensioner the stop tab was bent as if it was over tightened. I can post a pic of that too if anyone is interested.
  11. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    I haven't had a chance yet to check the timing but I have a feeling it may have jumped a lobe or two. I won't know until after work again. if it did then I'm sure I'll be pulling the head to see how damaged the valves are and hopefully the piston heads are ok.
  12. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    So I pulled the cover and the tops of 2 of the lifters are busted completely. Cam will need to be reground or replaced and new lifters at minimum. The debate I'm having now is if i should pull the head to fix all this or do it in place. I have a feeling pulling the head is a better idea but I...
  13. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    This is exactly why I love this site! No there isn't anything else that sounds out of the ordinary. I've had the car almost 10 years now and over all its been great. I also do all the work myself except for the new (2 years ago) loaded head that was covered under the glow plug recall. Timing...
  14. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    I was getting the eradic boosting while i was driving after it felt like it was in limp mode. That is what prompted me to pull over instead of just turn the key off and back on again like i have done many times in the past to reset limp mode. Are the valve cover bolts a stretch bolt or should i...
  15. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    I'll have to take a look still. I've been driving it just like this in much colder conditions so I'm not sure if its really the map.
  16. supersport1972

    Loss of power on the Highway then died

    Weather: -10f Car started normal, let it idle for 10 mins to warm up before driving. Drove about 4 miles at 70mph then pulled off to wait for a friend in a parking lot. I waited about 30mins idling the entire time. Headed back to the highway still driving and running normal. Once I reached the...
  17. supersport1972

    Loads of white smoke, no boost or power.

    Turns out the cartridge was leaking even more oil into my intercooler lines. I returned the cartridge, cleaned out the whole system again and bit the bullet. I talked to Paul from KermaTDI and ended up getting the new S7 turbo and their Q-Loader tuner from them. Everything is installed now and...
  18. supersport1972

    Loads of white smoke, no boost or power.

    Ok so I ended up buying one of those turbo cartridges instead of a whole new turbo. Seems to run fine but I haven't had a chance to road test it yet since I'm still having issues. So I still get a big puff of smoke when it starts each time. the idle is fairly smooth but not like it was before...
  19. supersport1972

    Loads of white smoke, no boost or power.

    Frankly I'm really surprised the turbo lasted as long as it did. I've had the car since it was new and have pushed it hard since then (160k miles). I'm just lucky that the shaft snapped when the engine first started than while I was at full boost.