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  1. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    Still waiting For My car to be ready and haven't heard anything about the compression test yet. The cold weather kit was back ordered but they were expecting it today.
  2. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    My driving style varies, depending on if the kids are in the car or not. when I am alone and the roads are quiet I often wonder why they even put a 4th and 5th gear in my car, by the time I come out of 3rd I go straight to sixth and let the car slow to highway speeds. lol I am an aggressive...
  3. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    Well I called The dealership This Morning and asked about getting a compression test and I got the answer I was expecting, "absolutely, We will check it today and let You know what We find" There was no arguing are hesitation. I don't know if I am allowed to mention the name of My dealership but...
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    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    I will contact My dealer tomorrow, I will let You know what they say.
  5. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    I will mention that to them Mayor, A compression test is easy to do, Just really don't want anyone ripping my engine apart if there is no need.
  6. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    I really doubt they will pull the motor apart nor do I really want them to just to check it, but I will let them know that if I have any problems with the motor in the future that it may be related to this incident.
  7. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    alright, the dealer just called. 740GLE was bang on with his diagnoses, the dealer thanked Me for giving them the info that directed them in finding the problem. They are installing the cold weather intercooler kit, the only problem is that the part is back ordered so it may be a couple of days...
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    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    740gle the car did not run for more then a couple seconds, the tempeture was +3 celcius I had not driven the car for over 12hrs. the thread You posted sounds like it might be my problem, monday morning leaving work it was -8 celcius which would have froze and water in the intercooler and then...
  9. K

    not a happy camper, Jetta deid

    went out to start My 2011 Jetta TDI highline, it started up right away and then clunked and died hard, tried restarting at first thought the battery was dead did not want to turn over. I shut it off and tried again it turned over very fast and eventually started but was running very rough and...
  10. K

    trunk lid spoiler

    I have had My car for about 6 weeks, and my lip spoiler is also seperating at the edges. Just noticed today, will inform them tomorrow and hopefully have it fixed when I go in for service.
  11. K

    Bluetooth Audio and auto-starting from iphone 4

    James is Your Ipod been hooked up by mdi the whole time? Are You sure it is not starting the ipod connection? I only ask because if I have my iphone hooked up to charge everytime I shut the car off and restart or plug the phone in intially it always goes to the mdi by default. something to consider
  12. K

    Painted Rear Emblem Today

    That looks awesome Savage, because I have a black car I was wondering if it would look good if I did the piece You did in white in Chrome and then the black the same as yours. What do You think?
  13. K

    What did I do???? Windows lowered them selves

    I really wish I knew what I did, But I assure You that all the windows were up and then went down. You may be right about confusing it.
  14. K

    What did I do???? Windows lowered them selves

    Thanks for the replies, Yes My TDI is a Kessy. I talked to the service department about the sunroof and they said they can adjust the sensitivity of the pinch protection for the moonroof and the windows. Sorry if I confused anyone with this post, My question is How do You open the windows...
  15. K

    What did I do???? Windows lowered them selves

    Before I start I did do searches and could not find the answer, So any help is appreciated. The other day My sunroof would not close, it would start to close but as soon as the glass hit the bug deflector it would open back up. In an attempt to close my roof I got out held the bug deflector...
  16. K

    candy white owners

    Hey Savage can You buy aquapel at crappytire or any other store or is it a dealer thing? I would be very interested in applying that to my windshield. twice in the past two weeks I hit rain storms so bad that the wipers couldn't keep up. The first time coming back from Geraldton I had to...
  17. K

    My First road trip, very impressed.

    I just got home from my first road trip with the new TDI, I am very impressed with everything about the car. The trip was just over 800km one way. I left Blind River and headed west to the Soo and then along the shores of lake superior,at White River I went north to hwy 11 and then in to...
  18. K

    My First VW and a big thanks to this community!!!!

    I got the tint done yesterday, looks much better, except the tint guys scratched my car in a few places. The dealer is going to fix the scratches but I was still very upset.
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  20. K

    My First VW and a big thanks to this community!!!!

    Thanks Guys, really loving it so far. It goes in for tint tomorrow and fix the fog lights. Not sure what the problem is they just never worked. Savageman nice to see a familar name, I am also a member on Arctic chat. Glad to see We both have good taste in Atv's and