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  1. E

    New VW Golf Variant Spy Photos

    VW can keep the Variant, it's UGLY!!!! I would not mind a Passat Variant though. But this is what I really would want:
  2. etka_22


  3. etka_21


  4. E

    Need part # for mirror attachment

    Sorry, haven't quite figured out how to get better ETKA view posted on this site. Mount #6no 845 543 Glue # dh 009 100
  5. etka_2


  6. etka_1


  7. E

    Did the PD's get rid of the clear fuel line?

    You want a clear line? I think I have an unused one in the garage I can sell.
  8. E

    Just installed SPEC stage 2 with SMF but its slipping!!

    That wheel hop you mention, I have heard other people complain about that it too. It's because stage 2 is a little grabby. Glade to hear it worked out.
  9. E

    Sounds like a worn wheel bearing but it isnt - what could it be?

    When mine went, I could have sworn the noise was coming from the front. I even went out and bought front bearings. I went out and jacked the front and both sides felt fine. Decided to check the back ones and sure enough the rear driver's side was the one that had a slight grinding feel when I...
  10. E

    Where to Change Timing Belt in Los Angeles?

    Harv is in the $800 range (parts included) last time I checked with him. I know Glendale VW quoted me $850 to do one, don't remember if they included the water pump. Harv's did. You can always try to get 10 people together and have Drivebiwire come down. Or maybe the Oregon Guru come down...
  11. E

    New KYB Shocks Leaking

    I bought a set of used Bilstien sports. Don't know how many miles were on them but I put another 80K on the front ones. I could not stand having the the Bilstiens in the back though. Way too stiff! I switched the back to the AGX and run them on 7. I've had those for about 60K. I don't mind...
  12. E

    Question about the split airbox

    I've been paying $15 for my cold weather filter.
  13. E

    Car Guys finally wake up! But only a little.

    I take them with a grain of salt. Come on, would you call a radio show for to diagnose your car sight unseen? I don't think anyone in their right mind would take them as gospel. Just like Rush Limbaugh, only to be used as entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.
  14. E

    Impex parts vs. VW dealership parts

    I've used them twice, no issues except they screwed up and sent me a free oil pan with one shippment. I don't use them because shipping to the west coast is just too long. I use and get the parts in 2 days(they are in Washington). I have also had a dealer match their price...
  15. E

    Dodge Ram nozzle swap.

    Email Kerma, he seems to be knowledgable on the truck side too, after all he sells nozzles for them too.
  16. E

    2000 Golf TDI Swap Project

    I'm curious too, a TDI Beetle convertible would be nice. I'ld settle for a TDI Cabrio too.
  17. E

    Motor mount bolt part numbers needed.

    Thanks Metalman. Sorry, I opted for since they are on the West Coast and typically will have them to me in 2 days with regular ground shipping.
  18. E

    Motor mount bolt part numbers needed.

    I'm still rather confused. Can someone give which numbers in the diagram. There are just too many things in there for me to pick out. [/IMG]
  19. etka motor mount bolts

    etka motor mount bolts

  20. E

    Motor mount bolt part numbers needed.

    Drivbywire's write up mentions to loosen the passenger side so as to drop the driver's side to aid in the removal of the trans. Haven't started yet so I don't know if it will be necessary but I thought I would cover my bases.