I have a few misc parts from my TDI collection. Since I sold the TDI, I'm going to let some of these parts go:
(all prices below should be considered or-best-offer!)
Strut spreader tool - SOLD
Radio Removal Tools - SOLD
ALH TDI MAF Core - $15 plus shipping
(pretty sure the MAF itself is...
* * * PRICE DROP (03/09/15) * * *
I recently sold my TDI...so I am going to also part with some of the tools.
I have a genuine Metalnerd TDI® Engine Tool Pro Kit A3/B4/A4/NB, plus some extras! If you don't already know, these tools are expertly crafted by Manufactured by Charles Meglio...
Test the battery - grab your handy-dandy multimeter and touch one lead to the positive terminal and the other lead to the ground (body, engine, etc.). If its below 12V, batter may be the culprit.
If the battery is good, have someone in the car while your head is under the hood. Have them turn...
Any thoughts? I put di-electric grease on the prongs and the symptom is still there. Probably going to peel back the protective plastic on the wires today to see if the power supply wire or any others are damaged/corroded, etc.
I just find it wired that this is happening right after I took the...
I have something similar, but it's throwing a code for intermittent MAF grounding out 05533. Are you getting any codes?
Sometimes mine does it mid drive, after I decelerate and then try to re-accelerate.
IMHO, all that would do is incite them to do more damage elsewhere our of frustration. Remember, they're not thinking rationally, they are after all stealing cars for a living!
Change the keys/locks on the car now. If you had house keys or any other keys on it, change those locks too. Chances are they copied your keys while they had it. May be staging a return.
So I finally rolled 250K miles on ol' Green this week. I also took the time last weekend to replace the bad EGR. The original had officially given up and was puking oil like crazy. I grabbed a cheap-o race pipe device and put it on so that I could stem the oil leak.
While I was there, I...
I didn't see them listed, so I figured I would ask (unless I overlooked them)...do you have the rear calipers for sale? If so, how much? I could consider rebuilding them to replace mine of similar mileage.
FS: ALH TDI Intake
Another part from the random parts box...
ALH TDI Intake (aluminum, stock). I have two extras...probably only need one extra.
This has NOT been cleaned.
$100 (plus shipping) obo...make me an offer.
Another part from my random parts box...
ALH TDI Oil Pan.
All threads intact.
No cracks.
$50 (plus shipping) obo...make me an offer!
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