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  1. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Tighten all hose clamps and the 2 fittings that hoses attach too ( just17mm socket)until they are snug and go half a flat. Fire the car up to bleed any air in the lines.
  2. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    This line will go to the center most fitting and the last line will go the outmost fitting[/url][/IMG]
  3. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Next remove the line from filter that goes to the pump inlet from the filter side at the old filter[/url][/IMG]
  4. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Next remove the return line from the filter I will show this line from the pump, install the piece that goes in between the return lines ( you will have to use needle nose pliers to get the crap connector off the thermostatic t[/url][/IMG]
  5. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Next fill your fuel filter with diesel or diesel purge if you prefer, and tighten the top with the supplied wrench leave the nut on the bracket snug but enough to move it if you need to make adjustments and install it into the new bracket clamps slight loose.Rotate the fuel filter if you need to...
  6. 1534723951267-1410242581


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  10. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Install the oe bracket now trimmed with the filter lined up on the bracket. Use a paint marker and leaving the clamps loose slide the filter down and position it so it will clear the hood and be low almost near the intake box. Mark the oe bracket and remove them both line up the paint marks...
  11. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    You should have some thing that looks similar to this[/url][/IMG][/url][/IMG]
  12. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Remove your fuel filter and open up the clamp with your hand use a hammer to pound it flat, and remove the amount nessacary so it will not hit the according pipe
  13. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    I am doing this from my phone so forgive me but you should receive a kit like this but with one more hose clamp at the bottom [/url][/IMG]
  14. H

    Nicktane fuel filter into MK3 JETTA

    Hi guys this is my write up on how to do the mk3 Jetta to the catapiller 1R fuel filter
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  20. H

    1998 Jetta TDI Parting Out

    door panels and seats?