Ever since the "fix" I have the same exhaust smell but only when during cold weather and on start up / warm up. Once warmed up it goes away. And is non existent during summer months.
Look further down the line under the car for the sensor. I am pretty sure you will need a delete tune if you remove anything upstream from that sensor.
I removed my mufflers, no noticeable difference in power and very little sound increase. I am tuned to ~300hp and 527ft-lbs.
There are little...
Was more curious if you were going to lower it and go up a wheel size to 20 or 21"
My Touareg is lowered 1.5" and running on 21" 295/35/21 tires off Audi Q7.
On my A6 I simply removed the mufflers. Very little difference in sound, will do the same on Touareg soon. You may want to save $$ on the...
Stock springs and shocks? What size wheels are you running?
You may want to consider upgrading suspension and wheels/tires if seeking better handling. Then tune it if you want performance.
I have this issue on the Touareg since the recall, only on cold days until the engine warms up. I cannot find any evidence of exhaust leak but is smells fairly strong.
Longevity of new DPF, the longer you wait, the longer the new one will last. Providing you plan to keep the car long term it may be worth waiting if your current DPF is working fine.
I also wonder what warranty they will offer after replacement?
If you are approaching retirement then go ahead and treat yourself! I bought my A6 TDI for my 50th last year and have NO regrets so far. It is by far the best car I have ever owned and driven. The A8 would be awesome in my view! There should still be an emissions warranty due to dieselgate fix...
Agree with OIlhammer and the age old saying:
"If you couldn't afford it new, you cant afford it used"
Unless you are mechanically inclined and have good contacts for parts, or don't mind the occasional expensive repairs.
They certainly are awesome drives!
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