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  1. M

    Kessy problems

    Same 50/50 chance here with my 2012 VR6 SEL. I've wondered if my car battery, which is the original, may be getting old and causing various electronic eccentricities. Not ready to commit the money to the problem yet, until I have my heating problems resolved!
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    2015 Passat TDI heater core fixed, still no heat

    I'm currently trying to figure out a similar issue in my 2012 VR6 (not diesel). I replaced the heater core a year ago, and it continued to produce tepid heat on the passenger side -- good on the driver's side. I believe all blend doors are working, electrical stuff is up to snuff, and so...
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    Easy Coolant Flush

    Here's a question on flushes I've been pondering. Years ago I did a flush on a Saab, which later developed even MORE oil leaks than normal for Saabs. :) I wondered since then whether, by getting the car to operating temp, draining, then filling with COOL water, this may have caused any...
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    Symptoms of Bad Heator Core- B7 TDİ

    Hi there, I've been attempting the heater core fix myself today. My car's a gasser but the symptoms for me seem to be the "classic" symptoms for diesels as well: lack of heat. It sounds like you're experiencing those issues. However, I'd expect if you're losing coolant, there'd be a...
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    How to: Replacing 2012+ NMS Passat heater core

    Well hello TDI folks! I see my last visit here was in 2012, back when I had my 09 JSW, before moving to Manhattan and selling it. I have recently picked up a 2012 Passat (though not a TDI -- don't kill me) and have had a rough day trying to do this heater core procedure. Basically I chickened...
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    2009 JSW water on drivers floor

    Well well well....add me to the list of sufferers of this malady. Actually add me for the third time. The first two headliner drenchings came courtesy of each of the two REAR drains, one after the other. Tonight, it is the front passenger side dripping. Quite out of the blue too. Wonder if...
  7. M

    Water in wheel well on 2009 Sportwagon

    When I had this problem it turned out to be a leaking drain tube from my pano roof. Check your headliner for water stains and/or wetness around the roof, C and D pillars. VW paid for my repairs, including a new headliner, although it took the dealer two tries to get it right (there was an...
  8. M

    coolant again - where to start

    I have a less grave view, although I'd want to know why any coolant was added when the mechatronics unit work was done. That job should have nothing to do with the cooling system. I would, though, expect that mixing of the wrong coolant with any existing G12 would probably result in an unholy...
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    20k Service on an A5

    To revive this very old topic, getting ready to perform my 40k service on my 09 wagon. Just a couple dunderheaded questions. Funny, though I've rebuilt engines and so forth, I've somehow never been sure the correct method for lubricating door/hood/hatch hinges and sunroof. On the door hinges...
  10. M

    My JSW and a Commute from Hell - Good So Far

    I guess it depends on how large the gap. Here in the State of Confusion -- er, Connecticut -- if you leave a gap, someone will jump in it. Now you're a car length behind. If you subsequently, once again, increase the gap, another jumps in, you're another car length behind, and so on. This...
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    My JSW and a Commute from Hell - Good So Far

    I 100% agree with the spirit of what you're trying to do, but in the real world it makes for a slower and more frustrating commute for everyone behind you. What makes it inconsiderate is that you're imposing that decision on everyone else, much like paying for groceries with your spare change...
  12. M

    Jetta broke down, engine fault. Fuel vs mechanical?

    I would love more details on this too. I haven't heard anything about bad diesel, but I do remember there was a bad gasoline issue a few weeks or months ago. OP, sorry you're having issues. No use speculating, unfortunately, without first getting the car scanned for error codes. Good luck!
  13. M

    My JSW and a Commute from Hell - Good So Far

    OOOOOO!!! Them's fightin' words pardner!! Just kidding. Here in the Great State of Connecticut, I certainly don't regret the DSG choice. I've had many manual transmissions and seriously considered it in this car. Would have been happy with that too, but my wife doesn't shift, so the DSG...
  14. M

    40K maintenance myself or by the dealer?

    Thanks for all the replies so far you guys! I have decided to...keep thinking about it! If I knew I was keeping the car forever, it'd be a no-brainer -- do it myself. Not even about saving money so much as knowing it's been done right. It's only if I want to sell it, or, as LBJ points out...
  15. M

    40K maintenance myself or by the dealer?

    OK, I need rational support. Give me the RIGHT answer people! I am fully capable of performing the 40k maintenance myself, including the DSG service. But SHOULD I??!! What if I want to sell the car (a possibility if I relocate to the Big City in the coming year)? I figure I'll need the...
  16. M

    09 JSW DPF issue

    Sorry for late reply again. The EGR filter in question, I believe, is on the low-pressure side. I don't think there is a filter on the high side?
  17. M

    09 JSW DPF issue

    Interesting guess. No impacts that I know of, certainly not while I'm driving. I somehow doubt the theory's veracity, though. No strange noises akin to a fragmented catalyst, as you'd probably expect in such a scenario. More likely, in my mind, is a greater propensity for ash and soot in our...
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    09 JSW DPF issue

    I so doubt that anyone's going to give me any information (and I've been seeing too much of them of late anyway) that I honestly don't plan to spend a single minute more asking anyone about it! I don't think there have been many EGR issues, except flapper valve issues here and there, with any...
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    09 JSW DPF issue

    Howdy folks, It's been nearly a month since this work was done, but I wanted to apprise everyone of a DPF issue I experienced, in case it helps someone else with a similar issue. I took my car into the dealership after the Check Engine Light illuminated (NOT the DPF light). Upon scanning the...
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    TDI getting wet inside

    Sorry it's been so long! Just wanted to follow up on the resolution to the issue. Turned out that the right rear drain hose had a hole in it. No idea how long this had been an issue. This is a flexible hose about 3/4" in diameter, so it seems strange that it should have suddenly and...