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  1. M

    Air Conditioner is WEAK

    Update: Took my "new" 2015 GSW in for the 1,000 mile check-up on Saturday and the dealer recharged and tested the system. It seemed better yesterday in our humid 85 degree weather. Hopefully that's fixed it! I'll know for sure in mid-August.
  2. M

    Air Conditioner is WEAK

    Thanks for posting this - I was about to start a similar thread! I had a 1.5 hour drive on the NY Thruway yesterday with five people in the car - 93F outside. The aircon could not keep up, although it was a bit better with the air recirculating rather than fresh air coming in. My GSW has been...
  3. M

    Variance in Performance/milage "new" 2015 tdis

    I'm guessing the transmission plays the biggest role in this question. Both of my Sportwagens had/have 6MT, and the 2015 certainly "feels" faster and more responsive than the 2011. I thought I read that the Phase 1 fix changed the shift pattern for the DSG which may affect how fast it feels...
  4. M

    Actual Purchases of 2015 Stop-Sale (NEW TDI's)

    I agree - especially on a cash basis the lease is a much better deal. And even at lease end if you decide to finance the residual at a higher rate for another 48 months, it still comes out ahead. I'm still not sure why VW structured the offer this way to favor the lease. I think in another...
  5. M

    Actual Purchases of 2015 Stop-Sale (NEW TDI's)

    Long time lurker - thanks to all for the valuable information posted on this thread! Just turned in my 2011 JSW with 6MT last night and drove off in a "new" 2015 GSW S with 6MT. I took the lease option - as others have pointed out, this is a better option for the lower spec/cost cars...