Update: Took my "new" 2015 GSW in for the 1,000 mile check-up on Saturday and the dealer recharged and tested the system. It seemed better yesterday in our humid 85 degree weather. Hopefully that's fixed it! I'll know for sure in mid-August.
Thanks for posting this - I was about to start a similar thread! I had a 1.5 hour drive on the NY Thruway yesterday with five people in the car - 93F outside. The aircon could not keep up, although it was a bit better with the air recirculating rather than fresh air coming in. My GSW has been...
I'm guessing the transmission plays the biggest role in this question. Both of my Sportwagens had/have 6MT, and the 2015 certainly "feels" faster and more responsive than the 2011.
I thought I read that the Phase 1 fix changed the shift pattern for the DSG which may affect how fast it feels...
I agree - especially on a cash basis the lease is a much better deal. And even at lease end if you decide to finance the residual at a higher rate for another 48 months, it still comes out ahead.
I'm still not sure why VW structured the offer this way to favor the lease. I think in another...
Long time lurker - thanks to all for the valuable information posted on this thread!
Just turned in my 2011 JSW with 6MT last night and drove off in a "new" 2015 GSW S with 6MT. I took the lease option - as others have pointed out, this is a better option for the lower spec/cost cars...
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