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  1. F

    Anyone else have a problem with interior panels vibrating?

    No problems here, mine rattle just fine...
  2. F

    NAV 2012 Jetta

    I have the Kenwood 9980HD, with absolutely no problems. I haven't ever left a car stereo stock. I say replace it and throw a decent set of speakers and amps in it with a lot of Road Kill. My next project will be to drop the headliner and put some Road Kill on the tin can thick roof, which...
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    Questions about audio

    Replacing all of that in the 11 is a real pain in the keester. A good friend of mine that is an engineer with Phoenix Gold and I did mine. I put the SD500 on TI 6.5's in front and back and the S1000 on an Alpine type-r 12 and the Kenwood DDX896 up front. It took us probably 9 hours to get it all...
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    "Grabby" brakes....

    I have noticed the same on mine, but I think I have narrowed the coming to a complete stop grabbing to the transmission down shifting and now without even thinking about it I modulate the pressure with my foot and slow smoothly.
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    Checking in at 11,000 miles

    The A/C sucks for south Georgia too. When I left work yesterday the temp read 104.
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    European Amber turn signal for Tail lights for 2011 Jetta

    After years of working accidents on patrol and being rear ended myself in my patrol vehicle on more than one occasion (even with the light bar blaring), I can tell you with absolute certainty that it doesn't matter what color or how bright your turn signals are they are still not going to see...
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    Anyone know how to search for recalls??

    Thanks, is there a specific number or something I can reference when I talk to the dealership? I called them a couple of weeks ago and the lady seemed oblivious to the world...
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    Anyone know how to search for recalls??

    3VWLL7AJXBM078982 Can you check mine too please?
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    Anyone know how to search for recalls??

    3VWLL7AJXBM078982 Can you check mine too please?
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    Wind noise

    Can somebody please post the service bulletin numbers, my dealership has absolutely no knowledge of them, thanks.
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    Turning off factory blutooth?

    Is there anyone with a VagCom that can check to see if there is an option for it? I don't have one, but I would buy one to get rid of this issue.
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    First mod!

    Shirt shifters are pretty cool.
  13. F

    Turning off factory blutooth?

    I looked at the unit under the seat, but it sure has a lot of wires running to it making me think it isn't just a blutooth module and it only has one plug running into it. I tried deleting the "VW phone" from the phone, but it automaticly pops back up every time I start the car. I could disable...
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    Turning off factory blutooth?

    I recently installed a new radio with built in blutooth and I am now trying to figure out how to turn the factory unit off because it keeps trying to pair with my phone. Is this something I need a vagcom to do (Has anyone seen an option), or does anyone know which wires or what plug I need to...
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    Whistling noise fixed

    Any help with a number??
  16. F

    Certain preference adjsutments?

    You will need a VAG-COM to do it yourself.
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    First time diesel owner questions?

    Ok, maybe I asked too much to start with. How many lbs of boost is a stock 2.0 cr TDI running?
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    First time diesel owner questions?

    How many lbs of boost does the TDI run stock? and how many lbs can you go up and still be in a safe range? And can you just add a manual boost controler to get more or is it more intensive? I know thwere are different tuners for the ecu for more power, but with just adding more boost are they...
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    loose center cap?

    I don't have a torque wrench, but I tightened them to what felt like a little more than 89 to the old palm. Either way I can promise you that the wheels are not going to fall off on the way to Mom's house tomorrow. I guess it is the perfectionist in me that is bothered by the cap being loose...