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  1. K

    2006 Jetta tdi 1.9l exhaust system malfunction warning light

    Thanks for the reply, no, I haven't had it overheat before. I've been looking and found something about the possibility of a leak in the egr area that would also end up going out the exhaust. The car is still running perfect otherwise. No coolant in the oil thankfully. I've read that that is the...
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    2006 Jetta tdi 1.9l exhaust system malfunction warning light

    Hey TDI guys, I've been leaking engine coolant and I'm sure now it is an internal leak into a combustion chamber due to the warning light. Has anyone ever tackled resolving this kind of issue?
  3. K

    2006 Jetta tdi 1.9l heater core replacement

    Thanks Windjammer! This is great! This will make the job go much more smoothly!
  4. K

    2006 Jetta tdi 1.9l heater core replacement

    Thanks for the directions, but I actually did look very hard; I wasn't able to find anything for my specific year and model vehicle. I saw lots of directions for other year Jetta's and they all talked about having to take apart the dash to do it. I don't know what years of Jetta are the same or...
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    2006 Jetta tdi 1.9l heater core replacement

    I have looked extensively on the internet for any instructions/videos on how to replace the heater core in my year/model Jetta with no luck. Can anyone help me with this? I have parts on order and hope to do the job this coming weekend. Thanks!
  6. K

    how do I find my Security Access Code

    I should add that I had been in a small accident; steering wheel airbag deployed. I bought a used airbag, module, clockspring and steering sensor, and installed them. I had to put back my old clockspring because the "new to me" clockspring wouldn't allow the horn to work.
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    how do I find my Security Access Code

    I am trying to follow directions on how to respond to the following faults: Address 44: Steering Assist Labels: 1Kx-909-144-G2V2.clb Part No: 1K1 909 144 J Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl.5 D04 1606 Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000 VCID: 323E12C898234C87EBD-8066 2 Faults Found: 02546...
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    Anyone need help,here I am(Dallas-Plano ,TX

    Spot-on Diagnosis! Thanks for the correct diagnosis for my car trouble! You had it right on; EGR trouble. The garage I had taken it to said it was a bad cam; they were either incompetent or scamming me. Thanks Marin!
  9. K

    06 Jetta tdi starts/stalls out

    My tdi started this problem over the course of roughly a week. I noticed it stall out going around a corner (started easily in neutral). The next day or two I noticed it stalling just a bit if I tried revving it over 3000 rpm. A day or so later I started it but as soon as I revved it it would...
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    bew camshaft questions

    Hey, a "viscuous" cycle; that's very clever. Anyway, I'm in need of a cam as my car won't run due to a worn cam. Do you feel knowledgeable enough to offer advice on what cams/kits to get? I have a 2006 Jetta tdi brm.