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    MKIV electrical trunk latch problem

    Thanks! That may be the problem. My wires are bent. Anyone know what part number the wiring harness is? I'm thinking that use rather replace than repair that.
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    MKIV electrical trunk latch problem

    I have looked at the wire harness as it exits the trunk between trunk and servo, latch etc and noted that the cloth wrap is no longer tightly adherent, I re-wrapped it but didn't note any problem with the wires. Where specifically are you referring to? there is a point where the wires come out...
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    MKIV electrical trunk latch problem

    2003 Jetta TDI: Recently, the fob and driver's seat trunk latch release stopped working. I hear a click from the fuse box when the drivers seat latch release is pulled and the lights flash when the fob trunk release is pressed. Importantly: 1) There is no sound of the servo attempting to fire...
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    MKIV Vibration Damper snapped off?

    This is extermely helpful. Thank you all very much! Is this going to be a ton of labor? Will also check the idler.
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    MKIV Vibration Damper snapped off?

    Thanks Powder Hound. What is the assembly called? What should I search for? I'll have to go back and look at the car but it looked like this was part of the engine block.
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    MKIV Vibration Damper snapped off?

    Yeah looks like it snapped on the engine side. The tensioner was grinding on the serpentine belt. One of the pulleys ground the tensioner down and sprayed aluminum all over the place.
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    MKIV Vibration Damper snapped off?

    2003 TDI Jetta 140k I was half way through a road trip when I noticed that the engine was idling roughly. I popped the hood and found that the mount that comes off of the engine and connects to the vibration damper (OEM# 038145284) had snapped completely off. The photos below show the best views...
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    Wet Floors - Leak at cabin filter and door (I think)

    Can you show me some pics of what you are referring to? do you mean where are the cowl drains?
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    Wet Floors - Leak at cabin filter and door (I think)

    I have a similar problem with my 03 Jetta, Iw as out of town for a week and there was heavy(ier than usual) rain in seattle while I was gone. When I came home, there was about two inches of water on the floor of the driver's side rear passenger and a smaller amount of water on the driver's side...
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    Mk4 tdi glow plugs

    Are the glow plugs only for starting or needed for the engine to run? I thought they were the equivalent of spark plugs. When testing the resistance in the plugs to determine of they need replacement is the ignition supposed to be turned on? I assume I cannot test them with the car running.
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    Mk4 tdi glow plugs

    Would the car even start if they were all bad?
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    Mk4 tdi glow plugs

    All plugs down at once? My mechanic told me that the CEL is on because the glow plugs are going out. I followed the instructions in the OP and the resistance is unmeasurable (approaches infinity) in all 4 plugs. The multiple meter tool I use is decent and I believe the reading. Is it possible...
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    Splash Guard Under Engine

    Any updates on the skid plate front? The stock plate on my 03 Jetta is dragging and I'm looking to replace it. It looks like defender tech is not making these any more. I'm thinking of going with the dieselgeeks skid plate but that is mostly just because the final price is about $20 cheaper...
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    Turn signal problem

    Is this the contact cleaner people have used?
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    03 Jetta-Horn doesn't work

    My problem is not with accessing the horn, I can't unplug a horn to test the wires.
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    03 Jetta-Horn doesn't work

    Same problem in my 03 Jetta. I tried to reach in through the fog light cutout in the bumper but I can't get the plug off of the horn. It has these metal clips on the side and I pulled them outwards while pulling on the plug and it wouldn't budge. Any ideas how to get the plug off? I do t really...