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    Easy Lubro Moly Diesel Purge How-To - with pics!!

    Did this today, also changed the fuel filter. I did it a bit differently though, I didn't buy the fuel filter and vacuum fittings. Instead, for roughly the same price, I bought a second bottle of diesel purge and used that as a temporary fuel tank like so (after dumping the first bottle in the...
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    Metalnerd ALH Timing Belt Tools For Rent

    Still available for rent to a local?
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    WTB: ALH intercooler pipe (to intake)

    that plastic pipe going next to the upper timing cover. I'm in Lakeland, FL 33810. Mine's got a leak from what looks like an old repair due to wear from the power steering pulley
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    Cannot rotate injection pump pulley

    Thanks QuickTD, that's the information I was looking for, it does turn with a wrench and has 4 humps, so I'll hold off on replacing it for now. According to the previous owner the timing belt was replaced along with the water pump at 178k, less than 40k miles ago. I've only had the car a few...
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    Cannot rotate injection pump pulley

    Do you mean engine compression or compression within the pump? The timing belt is off and I can't budge it clockwise by hand. I might try with a wrench, but would it be safe to assume that this pump is finished, and was the likely cause of all the expensive damage resulting from the timing belt...
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    WTB: mk4 injection pump

    I need an IP for my manual 2002 Jetta, I'm in Eugene, Oregon No longer needed, thanks
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    Cannot rotate injection pump pulley

    Hi all, I just had a timing belt mishap, not sure why but got everything off, head is in for a rebuild, and I just had a look at other components along the timing belt path. Water pump and idlers and tensioner spin fine, crank turns fine, but I cannot rotate the injection pump no matter how...
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    Remove cam sprocket without expensive special tools

    I'd read about that method, but I wasn't that comfortable going at it with a big hammer, so I came up with this to add to the possible options that people have. Possibly cheaper than a drift pin (if you don't have one like me), unlikely to be as quick though!
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    Remove cam sprocket without expensive special tools

    Hi all, I needed to remove my cam sprocket (broken timing belt) and, besides being cheap, didn't want to wait for tools to arrive, I needed it off now. Here's how I did it, hope it helps somebody I tried a three arm puller free loaner tool from autozone, but the little legs kept slipping off...
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    Mechanic told me timing belt has probably jumped teeth Ouch
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    How long does it usually take to bleed the IP with a mityvac? I've been going about 45 minutes still getting lots of air bubbles
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    According to the previous owner the timing belt and water pump were changed at a major service at 179k, it certainly looks to be in good shape. I've had trouble with the priming and I'm beginning to suspect the thermostatic tee could be the problem. The old fuel filter had not much fuel in it...
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    Yes starter no longer made that awful sound, and the car did run for a few minutes after the replacement
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    Damn, you're right, it's 12 volts for a few seconds then drops to 4.8 I thought I found my problem, thanks for setting me straight Back to square one
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    You've shaken my understanding of how this solenoid works. I thought it was energized as long as the ignition was on, to hold it in the open position so fuel can flow, and as soon as key is off its unenergized to stop fuel flow? So how does it work? I'm going to try to measure the initial...
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    I checked the voltage at the shutoff solenoid, 4.5 volts. Does that seem strange or is it just me? If that voltage is too low to disengage the shutoff that would explain my no start situation. One of the clips holding the harness was not properly slipped onto a little metal thing sticking out...
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    Eugene, Oregon repair shop or VAG COM recommendation?

    Anyone know a good place to take my broken down car with fuelling probs? I'm also trying to figure out how to get my codes read without towing to a repair shop. I'll keep searching this site for info, I'm new to TDIs.
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    After doing some more reading looks like I need to check the fuel shutoff valve and I'm trying to figure out what the injection pump solenoid does. I get a fairly loud click from somewhere in the pump when I turn the ignition on, would that be the shutoff valve? I thought that was meant to be a...
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    Overhauled starter, car died shortly after

    Hi all, Just purchased my car with 215,000 miles a couple of weeks ago, ran great until yesterday. Followed the guide here and fixed the starter sticking issue. Afterwards the car started fine and sounded good for about two seconds then the engine had a slight tick or knocking sound and...