across the power leads on the lamp plug. The computer has to see a lamp filament to think the bulb is good. The leads you unplugged from the original bulb.
I did a patch to my system on my 2013 when I had hid's installed. I took the 4 watt lamps used on some of the older cars as side light markers and solder to the wiring to the hid units. The computer saw the bulbs and all was good. The low wattage didn't cause any extra heat.
Has anyone put a Panzer plate on a 2015 Jetta without doing modes to make it fit? I seem to remember from a while back that there was an air intake or something in the way of it mounting.
I know this isn't help you want but I would take it to the dealer and have it fixed properly before other damage is done. JUst wondering what oil did you put in?
You can use the 13 tire on it. I requested my full size tire from my 2013 be put into my 2015. The tool kit in the tire will be fare to tall so I got them to change that as well.
Yes your turn light. Have your headlights on and turn the steering wheel left and right. They should turn on for the direction you are turning. Took me a while also to figure it out.
No one can guarantee a fix especially with no codes. If it doesn't fix it get it scanned and see what errors you get. Get a vcds cable and scan it.
My 13 jetta tdi would do the same thing if it was doing a regen in the city where I was start and stop. It is feeding extra fuel to heat up the DPF to burn out the carbon. It takes a good run to clean it out again. If you interrupt a regen the fans can run for 15 minutes or more to cool...
I up graded because I had inter cooler icing problems and the company wouldn't do anything about it. I will be moving to an area where this is more of an issue. I decided to spend the money now on an upgrade rather than an engine repair after it was out of warranty.
I just found it a couple of days ago.Curt #11410 receiver, #114101 with 1-7/8 Euromount, #114102 with 2 inch Euromount, and #114103 old style ball mount and pin.
The one you list is a Curt hitch. I just found it a couple of days ago.Curt #11410 receiver, #114101 with 1-7/8 Euromount, #114102 with 2 inch Euromount, and #114103 old style ball mount and pin. Should have posted this when I first found it I guess.
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