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  1. R

    Ebay vag com won't open Engine but works with the rest?

    if it was my hardware why would it work fine with other modules in the car? surely all the modules talk the same language.
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    Ebay vag com won't open Engine but works with the rest?

    All it says is "trying to connect to Address 01 with Baud ** ITE=9" . It does this about 5 or 6 times (the baud changes everytime), then errors and just says cannot connect to module. ONe thing I did just think of is they are both 1.6 litre 16V engines which I don't think is available in the...
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    Ebay vag com won't open Engine but works with the rest?

    HI. I've got a cheapo ebay vagcom cable and usign rosstechs vagcom 3.11 on two cars, a 2003 bora and a 2001 golf. With both cars, i can access the convenience module and the abs module (the only other ones I tried), but the engine module doesn't work with either car. What could be causing...
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    Passat 3B/3BG Automatic (remote) opening of the boot

    wait you're saying the gas struts alone open the variants boot door with no human interaction?? is my mk4 jetta meant to do this as well? i bought mine second hand and it's very difficult to open the boot, i'm thknig if i just buy these gas struts it will open by itself!
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    Heated Seat Switch Led Mod

    Heated mirrors only turn on with the rear demister button (which does turn yellow). The adjustment nob is just a way to override it (has to be in the center for the mirrors to heat only when the rear demister is on). They won't heat up if you leave it in L or R.
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    Rear Demister switch with timout?

    my side mirror heaters work with the same switch as the rear defroster. surely they'd also be timed?
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    golf/jetta fender the same?

    what? the bumper on both cars touches the headlights, so how can a golf bumper with round cutouts for the headlights fit on a jetta with square headlights? basically, Every body part from the doors forwards on a golf and a jetta mk4 are different, apart from lower valences. inlcludes bonnet...
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    golf/jetta fender the same?

    No they're not the same. The fender touches the headlights, so the golf one is curved on one edge, whereas the jetta one is straight.
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    Rear Demister switch with timout?

    ok well mine's not timed then - i've never seen it pushed in wiht a red light.
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    Rear Demister switch with timout?

    well how long does it take to turn off? and does it actually pop out and turn back to red or does it still look like it's on? my car's a 2003 bora but i don't think it turns off automatically.
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    Rear Demister switch with timout?

    Thanks, out of interest what car is it? and what year?
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    Rear Demister switch with timout?

    Hi. I've got a 2003 Bora and my rear demister switch is simply an on/off switch. I've heard some models have a timed switch, so it turns off after a few minutes. I need this i keep leaving mine on. Anyone know the part number for the automatic one? So far the part numbers I have are 1J0...
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    iPod option for single DIN owners

    That deck looks slightly differnet to mine. Who's is yours made by?
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    Dietz 72320 ipod adaptor = anyone got it to work?

    Hi, I've got a 2003 Bora with a Gamma 5 radio and a FIS cluster dsplay. I bought the Dietx 72320 and its wiring kit to connect my ipod up. All the mp3 tag information displays fine in the cluster, and it sounds fine, but the buttons on the radio don't control the ipod. anyon know what i can...
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    Aftermarket radios that are 100% compatible?

    as far as i know kenwood uses a completely different connector for power and speakers and has no connector for any of the stuff i've mentioned. I have quite a recent kenwood at the moment and to get steering controls i had to use a PAC SWI-X which uses infrared (and is no where near as good as...
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    Aftermarket radios that are 100% compatible?

    Just found a Travelpilot E1 for only £90, which has sat nav on it. if this works that would be great, blaupunkts are everywhere in england. would be much happier if someone knew for sure though, i hate being the guinea pig.
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    Aftermarket radios that are 100% compatible?

    Hi. I have a 2003 bora (no cam bus), with steering wheel controls, 6 cd in dash changer, and a FIS full display maf cluster screen that says info about the radio/nav. Are there any units made by sony, blaukpunkt or becker (or indeed anyone else decent) that are 100% compatible with my car? I...
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    Jetta Speaker replacement Non-Monsoon

    i can also vouch for the plastic spacer needing water proofing. i thought it was the door skin (the big metal peice that the speaker screws into), adn got the whole weather strip replaced with a better rubber one from seat (instead of the foam one), and found that i still ahd water in the car...
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    MkV Rear Demist Time-out

    ah well here in the uk, (jetta 2003) the demister button is on or off (i..e when it's on it stays in and lights up, and stays on until i press it again. i take it to do this i'd first haev to source an american demister button? part number anyone?
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    change maintence km/time's with vag com?

    why would you want to change the interval to double the recommended one??