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  1. Z

    why is tow hook reverse threaded?

    My JSW is missing it's tow hook... now I have to make an unscheduled stop by the dealership. :(
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    Do Our VW's Come With Spare Fuses & Fuse Tool?

    I also don't have a fuse puller. I also noticed yesterday that I don't have the towing eye bolt (?) that should be with the jack.:confused:
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    Should I Replace Clutch/Flywheel/Bearings on '04 Jetta?

    Shocks & springs, fuel lines, and dirty intake? Cheaper to take care of these things than purchasing a new car or a used car that has unknown maintenance history. Take care of the fuel lines soon. Shocks & springs when you feel like it. I have read that you won't notice much if any difference...
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    Should I Replace Clutch/Flywheel/Bearings on '04 Jetta?

    The symptoms you described in your OP are the exact symptoms I experienced in my '04 Jetta. I have no doubt that you only need a new clutch and the associated parts. As far as the grinding goes, I wouldn't put off doing the clutch. While you're at it change your transmission fluid if that...
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    Should I Replace Clutch/Flywheel/Bearings on '04 Jetta?

    Agreed, go with the single-mass. I had this same work done six months ago for under $1100 and that included a wheel bearing replacement. The only downside to the single-mass is they have a bit of a chatter to them. Overall I've been happy wirh it.
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    Tax credit for bio-d refueling?

    The last two years we took advantage of this tax credit. We only claimed $200. Every little bit helps when it comes to tax time. If you do this I recommend saving receipts... who knows, you might end up being audited. Ok so it wasn't the same tax credit you mentioned. You can claim a tax credit...
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    Like new studdable snow tires on OEM 16" VW Bioline wheels

    What's the offset on these wheels? I'd like to use them on my '14 JSW. What would shipping to Portland Oregon cost?
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    ALH microbus

    The AAZ is a good engine, I've got one in my 82' Vanagon (BTW I'm trying to sell it:D) Buckwheat rebuilt the engine for me. The only thing bad about it is that parts are hard to come by.
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    TDIFest 2010, the location is Portland, OR

    I couldn't agree more. This is the route we take out to, and from, the coast. The drive is great.
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    TDIFest 2010, the location is Portland, OR

    Woodburn I guess I should have looked at the Drag Racing thread.:rolleyes:
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    TDIFest 2010, the location is Portland, OR

    Details? Too bad about PIR being booked, I'd love to see Fixum Rich's NB burn some rubber. Any idea where the event will be held? I don't imagine that the city would like the potential hundreds of VWs parked at and around the Fix Um Haus:eek:! Isn't there a dragstrip in Woodburn? Maybe a...
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    PD owners who use biodiesel? Sound off!

    2004 Jetta 5 speed. Owned the car seince 11,666 miles on the odo, it now has 105,000 miles. I use B20 from the Jubitz truck stop in the area. Never had any break-downs or fuel related problems. The only issue that this has caused is the presence of alge in the fuel filter (most likely also in...
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    Photos of PD Cam

    Hey whitedog, I had Marcell do it for me at the Fix-um Haus. I was busy that day so I couldn't stick around to see it.
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    Photos of PD Cam

    I own a 2004 Jetta PD, just over 100,000 miles. I've used various 505.01 oils in it. Your cam lobes and rocker rollers look good. I've never taken my valve cover off, when I do I hope mine looks as good as yours!:)
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    Coolant issue

    I had the same problem with my '04 Jetta. I had to top-up the coolant every two weeks. I traced it to a leaky EGR cooler.
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    West Coast GTG 8/9/08 -Food and Essentials

    whitedog Shriners is easy to get to You take the hospital exit (I don't know the #) off of I-405 and head up the hill. It's the first building on the right.
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    West Coast GTG 9 August -- Tunes, Parts, Food & Fun

    Don't forget to bring something if you can. ) Bleachedbora (Aaron) 2x adults/01 Golf 2) Matthew_S 3) Whitedog 4) O.C.TDI + 1 5) Oldpoopie 6) jsillars 7) Buckwheat 8) Bugget 9) Jasman19 (Jason) /04 Golf 10)NickLockard + 1 11)Jetta Girl +1 /06...
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    How much oil is burned ib 10K changes

    My 2004 Jetta PD only burns about 100 ml or so between oil changes. I've got about 95,000 miles on it. Most of that has been highway driving.
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    West Coast GTG 8/9/08 -Food and Essentials

    We're going to bring hot dogs or smoked sausages and buns. Food and Beverages: Keli_OR - Pasta Salad (duh!) and ass't. pop/beer bleachedbora - Apple beer, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla jasman19 - elk burger patties and weinhard's rb whatnxt-PPBBQ Bugget - Beef burfer patties Zardnarf - hot...
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    Window Decals?

    I remember seeing a TDI Touareg used in that "race" where the cars were all self guided. It had a decal on the upper windshield that read "Powered by (VW symbol) Diesel". Does anyone know where I might be able to find a similar decal for my MK4 Jetta?