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    Les Gurus

    Merci Oli_tdi, je lui téléphonerai demain.
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    Les Gurus

    Les Gurus TDI à Montréal? Salut à tous, qui sont les gurus du TDI autour de Montréal? Plus particulièrement pour le moteur du Passat, le BHW.
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    Hi Alchemy, I got two new fenders last month no charge from VW due to rust on my 05 TDI passat wagon. I did not even have to fight for the fenders. Dealer said that because TDI had some sound proofing they rusted. I also have some rust on the hatch in the back but they wont pay for it. I will...
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    Seeking Comments on my Passat cold-starting

    When it is very cold I always give it max 2 glow plug cycle prior cranking and I have not burnt any plugs yet. This morning -17 c in Montreal, Quebec. 1st Glow cycle, light off, key off and on, second glow cycle, light off crank and don't stop cranking until engine starts. I have had the steel...
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    Strange vibration after BSM mod

    Thanks to Chitichitibangbang from myturbodiesel, my problem seems to be solved. I read in his timing belt installation write-up that injection timing Should be between -2.5 deg and 2.5 deg but the best setting would be 0 deg. So today I checked that with VCDS and it was at -1 deg within limits...
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    Who Here Has Written To VW About The BS Issue?

    I did not go to Vw because for the same price as just BSM replacement I had a new tiiming belt and the hole shabang + metalic impeller pump installed. On top of that I had the 4 mounts to replace, G12 coolant to replace and sway bar bushings to replace. Inspection of turbo and sealing of valve...
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    Who Here Has Written To VW About The BS Issue?

    I sent a e-mail and a recording of the engine noise to the VW dealer PlaneCrazy dealed with to get his BSM modified. The service manager sent the recording to VW Quebec manager and he approved right away to pay 50% of the BSM mod. I was quite angry with the fact that I had to pay 50% and...
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    Strange vibration after BSM mod

    A mechanic in Montreal installed it, not a VW dealer
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    Strange vibration after BSM mod

    Hi all, got my 2005 Wagon back last week after the BSM mod was performed. I now have a few rattles that I did not have before. It seems like the engine is more noisy while driving than before. I do notice more vibration from 1500 to 1900 RPM and it seems to have less guts than before. I had...
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    The New Oil Pump Survey

    Question 1. Has your Oil Pump chain broken? NO Question 2. At what miles? N/A Question 3. Did you proactively replace it? NOT YET Question 4. At what miles? N/A Question 5. Did a guru do the work? N/A Question 6. Did VW do the work? N/A Question 7. If VW did the work was it a warranty or good...