Holding the linkage rod in place with an eclip brought the startup voltage from 0.307 to 0.38 Volts. Which made the CEL intermittent but didn't get rid of it. I opened up the V157 motor, drilled and inserted a steel roll pin to act as a hard stop and the startup voltage was now 0.68V. My guess...
Update on my situation- The linkage rod that connects the v157 to the butterfly valve keeps popping off as its too worn. I loosened the three screws holding the motor, pushed the rod back into place with a pick and the code didnt come back for about an hour of driving, with 4 stops to let the...
Sure. And my understanding is that the design for the bracket was originally Dieselgeeks.I don't doubt that the fitment for the cheaper clones are not as precise as your solution. But this clone definitely worked, since the car has been in my family for 3 years now with no MIL light. Ive...
I have the p2015 code on a 2009 Passat passed down to me recently. I was about to get the bracket fix. Thought I'd pop the bonnet to check where it goes and if its as easy as everyone says it is. Only to see a bracket was already installed by the previous owner. The bracket seems to be correctly...
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