Search results

  1. L

    If you are considering buyback which cars are you looking at as replacements?

    My Kia Niro Touring is used to carry my 14' paddle board.....I'm getting 42 mpg hand calculated for the exact same driving my 09 TDI sportwagen got 32. The air conditioning is much quicker in the Kia....and let us not even talk about the air conditioned seats on the Niro Touring!!!!! Handling...
  2. L

    If you are considering buyback which cars are you looking at as replacements?

    I'm replacing mine with a Kia Niro Touring. I was hoping for 30mpg with the paddle board on but I've already done 3 tank fills and averaged 42mpg! The Niro is not a highway car like the TDI....especially into the wind and up a hill....but the Niro handles pretty nice.
  3. L

    Buyback COMPLETED Car is now in Dealership Lot

    In Florida they hold titles electronically, anyone know what I need to do as claims just refused my paper that the dealership provided me?
  4. L

    VW Loyalty Incentives?

    I just don't get it! I need a wagon, I want the DSG, no sunroof, pleather seats, light package.....13 gallon tank!!!!!! I mean really????
  5. L

    If you are considering buyback which cars are you looking at as replacements?

    I have to admit, Golf sportwagen with the 1.8T goes OK, but why can't I get it with the DSG? Why did they make the tank 13 gallons? Why do I have to get the roof to get the other options I want like Lights & leatherette!!! I will miss the sure feeling I get on the road with the VW but I want...
  6. L

    If VW buys back your JSW, what will you replace it with?

    While I luv the wagon...low enough to easily put paddle boards on with good distance between bars, spot between seats to put the paddle through, and enough get up and go to get on a 60 mph highway right next to a paddle spot, I'm not sure I'd stick with VW for a gasser. Any one have any idea...
  7. L

    Not happy right now

    Memory is terrible, but relay 109?
  8. L

    Korean Sportwagen?

    I love driving my sportwagen, I love the pass thru so I can put paddles up the center, I love that it is low for putting paddle boards on it, I love the torque! Buttt, the Kia has the seats, the 10/100 warranty is sure nice! Much cheaper to maintain, better dealership! iF the sport space came...
  9. L

    How Long did it take??

    I got 2 today with consecutive #'s.....both for the same car! In Cocoa Florida
  10. L

    West Michigan Fall TDI GTG - Oct. 10th, 2015

    So great to see such wonderous pictures!
  11. L

    Dipstick Markings

    You are correct with first choice, 2 dots!
  12. L

    Reasonably priced Diagnostic tool

    Just had the #2 glow plug short to plus on my 09 JSW I have an old version of vag com and it cleared the code but it kept coming back till I had the 4 glow plugs replaced....pricey compared to the A4 for sure!!
  13. L

    Silver JSW - Loved driving it

    That Passat back seat is awesome.....wish there was an American Passat Wagon....I'd certainly have one!!
  14. L

    leatherette tear already!

    on my 2009 Sportwagen one of the seat belts broke and the plastic cut the pleather when I folded them. Dealer replaced it without question.
  15. L

    Get Well Soon: Matt Whitbread

    Best Wishes Matt!
  16. L

    Looking into South East Florida

    Well my mileage isn't great because I keep a 14' paddleboard on the roof and am usually only driving 15 miles to the put in!!! Avg speed for a fill up is only 29 mph! The joy of being retired!!!
  17. L

    Looking into South East Florida

    One of my big concerns after leaving all my gurus in Michigan....has me even thinking of dumping the sportwagen and going with a gasser! Quite a few TDI around the cape canaveral area where I am but a guru in the area would be wonderful!!!
  18. L

    Cheap Wiper Blade Refills for MK6 Jetta Sedan

    I luv this kind of information! Thank you for sharing!
  19. L

    2009 JSW - AM doesn't get reception out of the blue

    I've got the same problem, at first I thought it was because I had the antenna off,(carrying paddle board) but the am radio doesn't work even with the antenna in! Am works fine in our Kia??? Not in to the dealer!!
  20. L

    West Michigan Fall TDI GTG - Oct. 18th, 2014

    Wow! 10 miles in to my 11 mile paddle board race I thought about you guys! But i was quickly awakened by a passing boat wake and reveled in the 84 degrees and bright sunshine!!! I do miss you guys and gals though! Great job Kirk!!