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    Looking to add power to my MKVI Jetta, help

    IMO the best bang for the buck is always in the initial tune. One good way to get started would be to jump down into the Eastern USA forum and post something to see if there is anyone near you in West Virginia with a DSG tune and a chip tune who might being willing to meet and let you drive the...
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    Cascade German 2018 GTG August 11

    Aww man I totally want to come down and see everyone but I have to work tomorrow! :mad:
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    Looking for Mk4 ALH/BEW mechanic in the Seattle area.

    I love Dan and I took my car to him all the time actually. I have recommended him before as his work is good. It is just him though (or at least it was last I was there) so whenever I recommend him I usually have to set the expectation that he may not be able to turn the car around right away...
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    Looking for Mk4 ALH/BEW mechanic in the Seattle area.

    In the ALH/BEW cars you really just need to make sure that your seals are good and that any replacements are viton (they all should be) and also watch out for crap in your fuel filter. If the previous owner wasn't using bio you may well get some sludge showing up in the filter. Matthew at...
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    Garrett GTC 1549 VZ turbo and manifold

    Hate to disappoint Algirdas but I am going to buy it, just figuring out how to get charged the least amount of fees when the money changes hands :)
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    Pacific Northwest Cascade German GTG August 13, 2016

    It was super fun! Thanks for hosting Aaron! Are any of the photos from the photographer around?
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    Pacific Northwest Cascade German GTG August 13, 2016

    I can make it this year! Is it Dog friendly?
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    Need ALH Guru in Seattle, WA area

    IMO ZahnTech is the best shop you will find in the area. Have a look:
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    Volkswagen Passat & Golf Security Flaw Kept Secret By VW

    The best description of it is in the court decision in Facts, numbers 4, 11 and 12:
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    Cascade German Parts Summer GTG: August 22, 2015

    Oh man! That is the one weekend in August that I can't go! :(
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    More house stuff has come up on my end, I am not going to be able to make this one this year :(
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    Food & fixums for 9th annual PDX GTG!

    Needs/Wants: Buns/Field rolls for pulled pork Drinks/Water Sides/Salads/Munchies Rice
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    Bruce graciously made a food thread for us. Please check it out and sign up here:
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    If someone wants to make rice to bring its easy and would also help. :)
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    Screen name & real name for nametags; how many attending for food guesstimating... 1. Bleachedbora (Aaron; 3A, 3C) 2. Brnsgrbr (Darius ; windshield +drive) 3. Whitedog (Tim; 1A) 4. Glitdi (Joseph or Joe) 5. Maken03 (Mike; 2A Tune) 6. Bugget (Tom; 1A) Bringing the Rogan Josh! 7. 8. 9. 10...
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    Who are all these beautiful clubbies?!?! :D
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    9th Annual PNW BoraParts/FixUm GTG August 23, 2014

    I will be there! I am not sure how many will come with me yet. I will fill in on lamb duty this year. Kabobs or curry?
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    Thinking about another TDI again.

    Oh yeah, the pre 2003 glove box latch and hinges will probably break. Check to see if they have been replaced with 2003 models or other replacement parts that work.
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    Thinking about another TDI again.

    If I recall what I have been told correctly there were some very early 99.5s that couldn't be flashed via OBDII and you would have to pull the ECU. To me that wasn't really a big deal. Don't get an automatic unless you were going to upgrade to 6 speed manual right away anyways. The...
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    Thinking about another TDI again.

    I agree with Kiwi actually. Both engines are so well known at this point that there will be no surprises. Both are very durable. Both are old enough that they should come in on your budget, so why not pick the newer of the two?