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  1. V

    car place says i need to replace the whole compressor... true/false?

    Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 'car place'? Midas Muffler, Oil N'Go, a VW dealer, or none of the above?
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    2013 jetta tdi not starting after front impact

    I think that is the Engine Speed Sensor. Here is a post that addresses a similar issue.
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    Buyback Lessons Learned

    Your State may enact legislation that would not allow you to register your vehicle if you have not installed an available emissions fix, even if there is no emissions testing in your
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    Navigation - Unable to Save

    I appreciate the feedback but I'd rather solve the problem rather than use the phone. Now if there is anyone who has any legitimate advice on how to alleviate this problem, please let me know
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    Navigation - Unable to Save

    2012 Jetta TD! Premium...RNS315 Today I entered a location into the Nav System and saved it, but it didn't save. So I put the address back in and hit "Start" and followed the route on the map. After arriving at the destination, I drove my car about 2 miles from the destination and, in order...
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    Holding on to your tdi

    On one hand I really enjoy my TDI, but with 100,000 miles on the odometer I am concerned with the potential for maintenance costs that will be looming in the next 12 months or, timing belt, etc. On top of that, the potential for some costly repairs also looms. HFPF, O2 sensors, etc...
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    Windows working after ignition off and door opening?

    With the ignition off and the door open, pull up and hold the drivers window switch for 5 seconds...and the windows will close. Pressing down will open all windows as well. This is on a USA-driven vehicle
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    Jetta Jetta Bang Bang

    Does the turbo need to be replaced because there was no oil in the system? Hard to blame that on the car, be it a common rail or any other vehicle on the planet.
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    2010 jetta normal IQ

    I'm sure a vast majority of the people who read your post do not know what IQ is. Maybe you should say Fuel Injection Quantity, if that is indeed what you are asking for.
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    Heater Core needs to be replaced

    Is it leaking? Is the top radiator hose also lukewarm? Why not try and flush the core and if it is clear, check the thermostat?
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    rough idle all of a sudden

    A 2012 with 1700 miles?
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    Buyback Offer End Date

    Here is a reply from the DieselGate Forum...
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    Buyback Offer End Date

    There is a response to this in the Dieselgate Forum... "It's all clearly spelled out in the CAS settlement document. The last turn in day is 12/31/2018. The last day to register to turn in a car is 9/1/2018, providing VW with a 90 day window to complete the buyback in, and meet the 12/31/2018...
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    Buyback Offer End Date

    Received my settlement letter last week. In reading the documents, you send in the paperwork and then the appointment/settlement is completed in 90 days. I don't see anything official that states the settlement process termination other words how long can I keep the car and still take...
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    Buyback Offer End Date

    Received my settlement letter last week. In reading the documents, you send in the paperwork and then the appointment/settlement is completed in 90 days. I don't see anything official that states the settlement process termination other words how long can I keep the car and still take...
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    RNS-510 outside of a VW?

    In a conversation with a VW dealer concerning the buy-back, he said vehicles that are driven into the dealership are checked to make sure they have not been stripped. He specifically mentioned wheels, radios and air bags.
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    2014 Jetta - Hard Start - Starter & Alt going bad?

    From my perspective, everything you mentioned would seem to indicate that the battery is not holding a full charge and cannot generate the amperage to crank over the car. The problem is exascerbated by the battery going completely dead. The results is your starter cranking slow, and at the...
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    VW Diesel Buyback Calculator

    I found this on another forum and though it might be helpful for someone, as evidenced on the first reply. If it is not helpful for you, that is acceptable as well. Lighten up!
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    VW Diesel Buyback Calculator

    No , this is NOT what VW will be paying out. Also anything you get from VW is not necessarily what they will be paying out. The payouts will not be final until the court has ruled.
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    VW Diesel Buyback Calculator

    ..and if you read a little farther you would have seen a link that would allow you to contact the author if you had any feedback