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  1. V

    WTB: engine cover, Jetta MKIV tdi ALH

    Check your IQ - this solved it for me. Tell-tale was that the idle stumbled with AC off, but was okay with it on. I plugged the vagcom in and watched the IQ go from 2.5-3 with AC off to 4-5 with AC on. Took some fuel out and all was well.
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    ALH Engine Parts

    Valve cover to 85259? Thanks. Just PM me.
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    Just a little datapoint (vibration at idle/smoke/white smoke cold start)

    So I have a 2000 TDI that I've gone through since it was a basketcase (unknowingly) when I bought it. New clutch/fw/pp, got a VAGCOM to sort out IQ and timing, etc. Anyway, the car has been puffing a little white smoke on -cold- starts (ie. after work or overnight), vibrating slightly during...
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    5 Problems with My Jetta

    Drive the thing like a truck - take it easy and slow when shifting gears to prevent grinding.
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    Door Lock Broken

    Alright, well for anyone that cares... I ordered the a door handle from a crashed car for $20 shipped, was able to get the lock cylinder out of it by simply using my current key, swapped the lock pins to match my current key, and reassembled it all. Works perfectly. Saved me $100 over ordering...
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    Another low power thread

    Compression check time. Is that valve bent?
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    Door Lock Broken

    Gotcha. I ordered one and I think I have an idea of how to get the swap done. I'll post a video if it all works out.
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    Door Lock Broken Perhaps I'm overthinking this?
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    Door Lock Broken

    How? The cylinder is held into the barrel it sits in by the lock 'slides'. I don't really know the terminology that applies here but you know what I mean... IE. You can't pull the cylinder out of the door without the key inserted. I'll make a video to explain this if I have to haha.
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    Door Lock Broken

    Anyone? Can I disassemble the lock mechanism without a key for the lock?
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    Door Lock Broken

    Okay, so my door lock did the usual spinning thing - I took it apart and there were a bunch of broken pieces so I ordered one of those $8 kits from the UK. Tried to put it back together and the pieces crumbled as usual cheapo cast things do. So here is my question - how difficult would it be...
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    Buffing headlight from oxidation

    No, but it's a legitimate suggestion for people that have the issue of oxidized headlights. I didn't know there were glass lenses available until I came across a post like his in a thread about buffing the headlights.
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    Help: First a transmission, now a clutch.

    Nothing wrong with that - I've driven a car long distance like that... just park on a hill, rev match shifts, and hope for no stops. :)
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    I had surging before I replaced all of my vacuum lines - a few of them were leaking.
  15. V

    Not another DMF failing!

    I also have the same kit - make sure you get the torque to yield bolts that need to be replaced as well.
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    Help: First a transmission, now a clutch.

    Sounds like the slave to me - pretty cheap fix compared to doing the clutch. :)
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    Not another DMF failing!

    My failing DMF stopped making noise once the clutch was pushed in.
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    Manual Door Lock (Key) Inoperative

    I tried a repair kit - the pieces were terrible cast things that literally crumbled when I tried to put it back together. Coincidentally, my car doesn't have a lock cylinder in the door anymore and I just leave anything with me in the trunk. :rolleyes:
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    Buffing headlight from oxidation

    I use regular toothpaste, works just as well. Instead of spending money on a kit I'd just buy a set of glass lenses.
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    What did you do to your car today?

    Probably because it cost me $free.