Search results

  1. D

    Auto owners. how many miles on your stock transmission?

    195k. It's slipping a little. Under load going up a hill in 3 or 4 it will shimmy/shake slightly. It's gonna grenade pretty soon I suspect. Gonna milk it for as long as I can.
  2. D

    Surge Problem - Vag Com shows IQ spikes

    Okay, I am gonna jump into this and put my Surge Hat in the ring. Mine started doing it today. Before it only lasted for a little while, a few seconds driving. This morning I had the surge almost my whole drive to the area of road where I can go 50MPH. It's 40MPH from my house to the main...
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    F/S 2 jetta A4 fuel filters

    Spf Sold pending funds
  4. D

    F/S 2 jetta A4 fuel filters

    Switched over to the cat filters and no longer need these. One is a mann and one is a meyle filter. $40 shipped.
  5. D

    Jetta Trunk Latch

    Ah, the search tool is a wonderful thing. I have been doing field work down at Camp Mabry, at the checkpoint they have to search my trunk. The guards for some reason think my car is a POS 1970 LTD. Hence when they shut my trunk they slam it as hard as they can. The latch finally broke, after...
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    HVAC control lights out

    Hey everyone, haven't been back in a while. I recently noticed my HVAC control lights are out. Is the replacement procedure in the Bentley? Anyone have a source on the lights? Thanks for the help. Jared
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    HVAC control lights out

  8. D

    FS: 2nd Offering, TDIClub License Plate Frames...

    1. Ed's TDI (2) PAID RECEIVED 2. hip (2) 3. LWB053 (1) PAID 08/22/2003 4. vwnut2000 (1) PAID 5. Toronto Vento (2) PAID Received 6. Jimbob 1000 (1) PAID (finally) 7. GeWilli (cancelled order) 8. Oilman (2) PAID 9. ibedonc (2) 10. Old Navy (2) 11. oilhammer (2) PAID Received 12. POWERSTROKE (3)...
  9. D

    Transmission went out last night. Please help!

    I hate hearing these types of stories. We just bought our 01 Auto back in november. Its the workhorse for our 100mi RT daily commute. I think if it happens to me I will have to park the car on the bad side of town
  10. D

    FS: 2nd Offering, TDIClub License Plate Frames...

    1. Ed's TDI (2) PAID RECEIVED 2. hip (2) 3. LWB053 (1) PAID 08/22/2003 4. vwnut2000 (1) PAID 5. Toronto Vento (2) PAID Received 6. Jimbob 1000 (1) PAID (finally) 7. GeWilli (cancelled order) 8. Oilman (2) PAID 9. ibedonc (2) 10. Old Navy (2) 11. oilhammer (2) PAID Received 12...
  11. D

    Arabs + Hyundai = US street racers take a hike!

    I have seen this done in Brazil, except with much narrower streets, 10 times the people and half the distance. Pretty d@mn insane and dangerous.
  12. D

    No balls going uphill

    This was me two weeks ago till I replaced the MAF. Granted my tranny issues weren't the same. The tranny WOULD stay in a gear for quite a while and not seem to know when to let go. A quick check on the way to work confirmed the MAF was out (vag-com). Just unplug the thing and see if shifting...
  13. D

    Is car insurance for TDI cars usually this low?

    Consider yourself lucky, almost 30, no wrecks. Paying 725 for the 01 TDI and my 92 toyota 4x4. What pisses me off is we took the conv mustang v8 off the policy and the price hardly dropped. I am gonna start shopping around.
  14. D

    Hackers hit our company, non-TDI related unless

    Re: Hackers hit our company, non-TDI related unles Yah, i forgot to mention using Adaware. I also agree on the MS product, I have to go home and shower everytime it runs. You are preaching to the choir about infrastructre investment. Except these guys are tight, the "CTO" didn't want to...
  15. D

    New Texan, new TDI owner

    Greetings, welcome to the fattest city in the country...among other things.
  16. D

    Hackers hit our company, non-TDI related unless

    Unless maybe your Vag-Com copy is on a computer that may be infected then it could be considered TDI related. Tuesday when I got to work I noticed the internet was sucking. I couldn't get out to pages, "Page Cannot Be Displayed" was the message. I told a buddy about it who is an admin at...
  17. D

    This is how a TDI feels to drive?

    Ordered the MAF from DG on Thursday, arrived on my porch Friday Saturday I replaced the MAF, cleaned the snow screen, performed a ventectomy, and did the coolant migration trick. Took the car for a drive... Wow, it is a totally different car. Now I am going to have to keep my foot out of...
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    My PVC CCV

    I checked my PVC style CCV yesterday. Out came this after 2500 miles: About a table spoon at most.
  19. D

    hard winter start

    Funny, mine did sort of the same thing this morning. 01 Jetta Auto. The temp was 30F on the porch when I walked out this morning. I turned the key to crank the car, it cranked maybe once then stopped. Hmm, strange, turned key again, cranked once then stopped. Start to wonder what the heck...
  20. D

    OEM Jetta VR6 Sport Springs - 2BL + 2WH

    Dang it, this is what happens when you live in the boonies with no ISP, you miss out. Oh well, next time.