Search results

  1. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    So I have put about 600 miles on since my timing belt change and I still have a question. It seems like the idle is a bit high when I start the car. I am not sure about the exact RPM but I would guess around 1000 or a little less based on looking at the gauge. Before the timing belt job it...
  2. L

    Bad Diesel

    update So my friends TDI is still in the shop. The dealer says the HPFP that they put in is defective and its still not working so they are getting another one. Sounds a little strange to me. I wonder if they don't know what the issue really is.
  3. L

    Windshield wipers going too far

    Does anyone else have the problem of their driver side wiper going too far and hitting the roof support column? Mine does it and makes an annoying ticking sound. Plus now I have noticed a small area where it has worn off my paint. I checked the other end where it attaches to the motor end and...
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    Bad Diesel

    Me too! I go to a Valerio where I almost slip and fall every time I am there because the truckers are either slobs or it is just so busy. Guess I should of gotten my friend onto this forum a while ago.
  5. L

    Miles on a tank of gas (SportWagen)?

    I think he means he can go one way(600 miles) without stopping. If he fills up while at the destination he is not stopping to fill. He is stopping because he made it and he happens to be refueling also.
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    Bad Diesel

    I am the same way with my fill ups. Busy and big rigs only. I am wondering if that was why he only put in 4 gallons? Maybe he got real low and was in an area where the price was higher then normal and they don't sell much? I have a place near me in Newark Delaware where diesel has been $3.99...
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    Bad Diesel

    Good idea. I will suggest it even if its too late. It cant hurt.
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    Bad Diesel

    So I have a friend who owns a 2011 TDI Sport Wagon just like mine but in Red and around 80,000 miles. Last week her husband stopped at the Gulf at 27 Lexington St in Belmont Mass. 4 gallons of fuel was added. He went a few hundred yards and the car shut off/would not restart. Towed to...
  9. L

    Miles on a tank of gas (SportWagen)?

    Mine is a 2011 Sport wagon and my family of 4 has gotten over 600 miles on a tank when taking road trips. That is two adults, two children and all our stuff in terms of weight. Generally mixed driving around 550 miles on one tank. The first response you got is sort of funny though. The...
  10. L

    Please help with car decision!!!

    Buy it for less money if you can.
  11. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    That was the same belt kit I bought I believe. The pin for the timing belt tensioner did not fit. I think I used a hex key. I poked around with the little flat pin with no results then after taking a look at the new tensioner realized it would be useless. 100 miles so far so good.
  12. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    Well I finally got around to changing out the water pump, timing belt, serp belt and all the other parts that the kit came with. The kit seems to be high quality. It was a lot of work with many detailed steps to be careful of. I would feel fine about doing it again but however if you are...
  13. L

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations just reported other diesel auto makers are cheating also. At least VW is not alone now.
  14. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    I received the locking kit. Seems fairly well made for $15. Not a bad deal at all as far as I can tell. The Chilton 70404 book also arrived. That will be going right back in the mail. The seller claims it is good for diesel motors but I don't see anything in there about changing a TDI...
  15. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    I am not sure. Either they have seen early failures or pushing forward the services makes them more money.
  16. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    I read the first two parts yesterday and then got to the end where you have to sign up and pay. That's where I went and ordered the book for $20. I figured it would be a better investment for lots of other jobs. Maybe I will read it when it arrives and decide to pay for the 3rd part of...
  17. L

    Timing belt and water pump.

    The price was right for the items... as long as they work. I am betting they are low quality but all they have to do is hold a few parts in place for a bit. I would never install cheap parts in any of my autos however.
  18. L

    Walmart vs. OEM battery

    I just put the more expensive Walmart battery in the other day. My OEM VW TDI battery lasted 5 years to the month. The Walmart was very busy so I am betting they go plenty of batteries. Nice to know they don't sit on the shelf too long. In any case I have bought a few for other vehicles...