Followup on my 2003 TDI Jetta Wagen,
Engine is running fine! Quicker cranking and starting. No smoke on cold starts. Reduced oil consumption. MPG is back above 40. I did install an EGR cooler bypass pipe and hoses, this has decreased the engine warmup time considerably. So I am a happy camper!:D
Local "town scare tire" won't clean the wheels and just puts goop on the beads telling me that the dust from cleaning the aluminum rims is a health hazard which it probably is! Not sure if they are aware of dust masks, I wear one when I am doing a dust producing project.
My wheels are badly...
Hi folks,
Been a while since I posted here. A quick update; engine coolant temp sensor, turbo waste gate and exhaust recirculation valve all had codes and the car went into the limp in mode. I replaced all the vacuum hoses, the waste gate actuator and its solenoid N75, inspected the turbo...
Hi VW fans,
Had to do the 2nd rear brake job on my 03 Jetta with 150,000 miles. The Metalnerd tool # 3272 worked great but I had to put the screw on my mill and do a small spot face so the Allen screw had a place to set into so the nut didn't turn while turning in the caliper pistons.
As my...
Just watched the oil extraction video and I have some comments about it.
Check the engine oil level before changing the oil. A dry dipstick is not a good thing!!!
The molded circles on the Pela extractor are at one quart increments or possibly one liter increments. Don't ad more oil than you...
I'm no expert either but I had a problem with one of the cooling fan temp sensors and my AC didn't work until I replaced the sensor. 03 Jetta TDI Wagen
I should say that the AC worked OK. One day I noted that I had no AC and while searching for the problem I noticed that one or both cooling fans...
About a year ago I was driving around town, heard a clunk up front and the alt light came on. I stopped and checked under the hood and found the serp belt not moving while the engine was running. Got home and found the alt pulley/clutch laying in the belly pan. 90,000 miles on car at that time...
Yes I confirm that Scangauge II on an 03 TDI automatic will read trans temp. If you look closely at the Scanguage you will see it quickly change numbers periodically. The other number is the coolant temp, but you gotta be quick to see it!!! Drove me nuts until someone here informed me of this. A...
Been using a Scangauge II since it came out and it is only a reader for sure. It can be programed to read general and specifics in many other makes of cars where there is the onboard capability.
I use it when changing trans fluid in my 03 TDI with O1M trans. I have a pit in my garage and I hang...
Wifes Windstar was condemed by Ford for subframe corrosion about two months ago and guess who is driving my 03 Jetta TDI Wagen, yea, you guessed it. When I bought it new she said that she would never drive it, but that has all changed. She is very happy with 38-40 MPG around town!!! So I have to...
Provent 200 on 03 TDI Jetta
Hi Troops,
Years ago I installed a Provent 200 oil separating filter. It has a drain bottle connected to the bottom. When I change engine oil, I use my oil evacuation system to empty it. The filters are replacable. I have a pic of the installation but I'm not able to...
Hi Alan,
I use an oil withdrawal system and I haven't removed the drain plug in years. The withdrawal system uses vacuum to suck out the oil thru a small tube that is inserted into the dipstick tube. I don't know what the oil filter configuration is on newer TDIs but on my 03 the filter is...
When I bought my 03 Jetta TDI Wagen new in 03 in CT I found out that the sale of new TDIs in Mass was not permitted. I don't know if this policy is still in effect in Mass but no doubt it has a negative effect on dealership service departments experience levels when it comes to servicing TDIs...
Yes, the Kerma Mod turned out to be a BAD thing to do. As the trans pressure is increased, the flow of oil thru the trans oil cooler is reduced. Poor design in my way of thinking. The O1M trans has borderline cooling as it is and reducing the oil flow thru the cooler is not a good thing. I...
I found my original post and brought it back to life with a similar response to this thread. Thank you for reminding me about this.:)
More valve body stuff
I did notice on the original valve body that the plastic star wheel pressure adjustment locks were not engaging the notches and was easily turned. This may be why I was not able to count the clicks when I increased the pressure initially.
Anyway the valve body is on it's...
O1M trans problem finally solved
Hi Folks,
I posted a new thread but here is the followup to the original.
I purchased a rebuilt valve body from Rev Max, installed it and here is where I'm at. The fluid level is where is should be at the specified trans temp. After about 100 miles the rough 2-3...
Hi Folks,
Three years ago I increased the pressure in my O1M transmission, this is called the Kerma Mod. I went too far and soon after while using my ScanGauge I noticed very high trans temps and trans slipping when the temps were over 240 degrees F. There were times that the temps went up to...
I was in PA on I-80 fueling my E350 V10 gasser when a new E450 diesel motorhome pulled up to the pump on the other end of the pump row to a pump with no diesel and the driver started to pump gasoline into the motorhome. I stopped fueling and ran over to him and told him to stop pumping gas into...
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