10 year or 120K from first put in service or 4 year or 48k after the fix which ever benefits the owner. If you have trouble with the dealership you can write the courts in California where the lawsuit was originally filed and ask them to intervene. My son had to do that with his wife's Q7...
I swapped the struts on my last Beetle and we couldn't get them loose. We sprayed it with penetrating oil and still couldn't get the nut loose. Since we were replacing the struts and springs we used a cutoff wheel on the springs and shaft once they were out of the way. Not the best way but...
We have 2 2015 Q5's. Mine has 108k and I get 27 in town but I have a heavy foot. My wife has 68k on hers and around town she gets 29. We drive hers on trips and it gets 34 on the highway.
Or the sun shade that comes unglued from the tracks. You can replace it for around $300 if you do the labor your self or $1300 at the dealership. An option I chose was to have the sunroof glass tinted so as no to get blinded or a sunburn in the summer. The Lower mileage one still has the...
Did the maintenance on my 2015 Q5 and changed the oil and all of the filters. I pulled the snow filter and it was completely stopped up. Cleaned it the last service 10k miles ago. Cleaned it and replaced it. Does anyone leave it out instead of putting it back in? I know it keeps out the big...
My wife's 2015 Q5 had the same problem. Generic scanner said bad EGR valve. They kept it at the Audi dealership for 2 weeks and got it back fixed now for almost 2 years. It was the EGR controller unit that controls all of the EGR functions. Her car only has 66k on the clock and it was...
Go to the nearest VW dealership with the VIN and pull the car's history. See if there have been any bad things in the history. The 10yr./120K or 48mo/48k after the fix has been done warranty may have expired or has a little left. Also see if there is a service history in the history. The...
Don't waste your time with the Advance Auto axles. Went through 4 sets on my old Beetle. Two sets only lasted less than a month each. My son and I got really fast changing them out. He bought the car from me and got the OEM axles that lasted 150k, cleaned and greased with new seals, and has...
Have 2 2015 Q5's. Wife's has 63K and mine just turned 100k last week. Have had both of them for 2 years. The only things have been tires and oil changes except for my wife's needed an EGR controller under warranty last spring..
Are you still under the extended warranty? They will change the rear seal under warranty if you are. There is a real good shop in Kannapolis NC called German car service on Irish Potato road. Mr Kim is very knowable on Audi, VW and BMW.
I have 2 2015 Q5 TDI's and run Amsol Euro 0-30 TDI oil since we bought them. I've had 2 former Touaregs, '04 and '05 and couldn't keep tires on either. 20k was the best out of what ever I bought. On the Q5's, I just put Cooper CS5 tires on both and they are the quietest tires I have ever...
Only when you use more than a tank full before your usual 10K oil change. At the VW dealership it is $10 US for 2.5 gallons and there is a part number for the adapter to use the bulk container for $26.
My wife and I both have 2015 Q5's and the main thing I would recommend is an oil extractor so you can change the oil from above. Buy the correct socket for the oil filter so as no to damage it with an adjustable wrench, use the very best oil you can find for European diesel cars (I use Amsol)...
I don't remember what VAGCOM codes my wife's had but it was for the EGR. It is still under warranty with just 60k on the clock. when I got it back they said it wasn't the EGR valve but was the EGR controller. 10k and no problems except it uses twice the DEF fluid that my Q5 does. Mine has...
To answer the oil question. I have 2 Q5's and change it every 10k miles. I use Amsol synthetic Eurospec TDI oil and Mann filter. I've owned an 04 and 05 treg and they change at 5k and 10 k for the first two oil changes, then 10k. I think you should use the very best oil in these for longevity.
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