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    Mk7 oil change suggestion in gta

    Thanks everyone. I will give him a try.
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    Mk7 oil change suggestion in gta

    Hey guys does anyone know a good place to get my mk7 30k service done in the gta besides from the dealer? With the urea tank it seems to make things a little more tricky now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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    2015 CR 150 tune available

    Ahh.. I see. Thanks for the clarification. I assume it also increases the overall drivability and smoothness on the power band?
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    2015 CR 150 tune available

    Am I reading this chart correctly or are eyes playing tricks on me? The ECU tune will give a 100HP boost from 150 to 250 and +150lb of torque??
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    Do we still do Fall Fun Runs?

    Great to hear we got something going. Unfortunately I am out for this weekend. I hope you guys have a blast and make it something we can do more often.
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    Do we still do Fall Fun Runs?

    Hey guys, I've been away from a diesel VW for a while but back at it now with a MK7. A while back we use to do these niagara escarpment area Fall fun runs. I remember those being a blast, do we still do these?
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    MK7 ECU tuning available yet?

    Is there a APR or Malone Tune available for the MK7 tdi engine available?
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    looking for Vagcom help uptown Toronto?

    Hey guys I recently picked up a MK7 tdi golf. So far I love it and just wanted to see if anybody has a Vag-com scanner that can help me do some mods. Coming/leaving lights, Drl's stuff like that. Thanks!
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    2nd Annual Spring Cruise/25th Annual Jitterbug

    Is this for TDI members only? I use to drive a MKIV tdi and was active on this forum, but now I got a MKV 2.5L... I had a blast driving on those Niagara Escarpment in the past and would love to join the cruise down.
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    Two questions for tires and aquapel

    I know these two are totally unrelated each other but i was looking for aquapel treatments in toronto and where to get a good price on tires.
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    clutch pedal feels very weird..engaging at very low level

    I have no seems as if the clutch is sticking very badly.
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    clutch pedal feels very weird..engaging at very low level

    Its just started happening yesterday where my clutch pedal began to feel very different. The level of the clutch pedal engages the engine much sooner then it did before. Possibly the master and slave cylinders for the clutch? I had that changed a long time ago and they could be sagging? When I...
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    GTA GTG: Saturday, December 15, 7pm at Dave and Busters

    Is this a purely social GTG or could there be some work involved? My car has gone into limp mode and I am having a lot of trouble even getting over 110 km/h. I'll definately be interested either way for the GTG though. 1. Silver02TDI 2. Marchmen 3. VDubbing 4. Bradtholomew (as long as...
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    Where to get Oil Change? don't have Pela. + other simple maintenances.

    I got some simple maintenance procedures to do on my car, but can't do them myself because I don't have the tools. Anybody know where I can do this for a good price? I have to change my front brakes(sensor light is on), tire rotation, oil change, and coolant sensor change. If anybody is...
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    Auto GPS. What you using?

    The gps still works as long as there is the proper maps from tomtom on the SD card. The registration # is for the gps unit or the reciever itself. I downloaded maps off a bittorent link and now its working perfectly....just the streets and POI is not up to date.
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    Auto GPS. What you using?

    I use a TomTom One... I got it for 100 bucks from futureshop cuz they had lost the SD card with the maps. Regular price was around 400 but refurb. is around 200. Anybody else using a TomTom? I wanted to see if I could copy the files over from their SD card so I can actually run it!
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    GTG Clutch Change

    Just wondering how much and where did you get the g60/vr6 kit?
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    Doc_OC's ride

    Wow...haven't come online for a while and so I just saw this posting. Really glad that you are ok doc, a car is just an object and health can never be replaced. Hope you'll recover fast... are you minorly injured? It looks the kept you protected pretty well.
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    Fall Fun Run

    Is there a sign up or should I just show up to the meetup location? My car isn't running too well at the moment. Is everyone going to be ripping those corners or will there be others just cruzin? I hope I won't be left behind by the pack.
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    still can't diagnose problem with golf.

    Okay so what we found today was a out of balanced flywheel and/or clutch. Also we tried flooring it a few times in 2nd and 3rd and randomly we would get smoke of the back so we concluded that their was a fuel starvation of some kind. Fuel filter has been changed as well but still lacking...