Search results

  1. P

    afn timing or piston rings shot

    Take it out and drive it to the floor Others call it an Italian tune up !
  2. P

    Need BHW wiring schematic

    I would love to have one for 05 gls thanks My email is
  3. P

    Dead on highway - oil

    No I put the gear setup in mine ordered two new engine mounts as well as a new snub one as well never used that one
  4. P

    Driver door won't open AT ALL

    Or just sit in the car with a case of beer and tell your wife she is an ugly ***** she will get it open !
  5. P

    Engine Pressure light battery light SUPER COLD

    Hey sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such thing as a lean or rich mixture in the diesel world If you pour a cup of gas into a gas engine it will die flooded If you pour a cup of diesel into a diesel engine stand back because it will rev untill it blows:eek:
  6. P

    04 Highline 130 (AWX) 180k lumpy cold start

    Don't forget that egr valve puts heat into your cabin heater ! That is a real plus thing to have on a chilly day !
  7. P

    TDI wagon CEL p2102 emissions workshop

    Sounds to me the tcm was the problem in the first place Name calling and bad comments wont do much to help a fellow solve problems !
  8. P

    Brake Fault

    Or the wires going to the brake pads are cracking and breaking !
  9. P

    Timing belt time

    Get the whole kit with the water pump and tensioner etc.
  10. P

    Glow plugs

    hey thanks Bruce (Quicktd ) I received the plugs you sent and just found the paypal request which I sent You should have added enough for a case of beer ! What a great site with great members !
  11. P

    Glow plugs

    Sent PM !
  12. P

    Glow plugs

    which ones had the problem with the end breaking off and causing engine damage ? Its a long drive for me to get a reflash update I bought mine 6 years ago and thought every update was done but maybe not I done bsm gear setup and all new belts etc but never looked at what glow plugs were done
  13. P

    Glow plugs

    Ya I have one bad one turning on check engine light but seems to start ok
  14. P

    Glow plugs

    Hey thanks ! The one that failed is a boshe 0250402004 5v which as far as I can tell is the vw n10591607 Am I on the right track ?
  15. P

    Glow plugs

    Any body in Canada have any glow plugs they want to sell ? The 5 volt steel tipped ones ?
  16. P

    proud new owner of a one owner 04 Passat TDI

    What about turn the key and when light goes out shut it off and then back on ? That would give you a double heat cycle I would think !
  17. P

    Strong vibration at 2000rpm

    I still think the bsm is out of time !
  18. P

    Strong vibration at 2000rpm

    sounds like the chain on the bsm has jumped a few cogs The geared replacement is the perfect fix but some go for the cheaper delete option but with more vibration I put the geared one in mine and smooth and quiet but 1300 Canadian bucks !
  19. P

    Need Help with 2004 passat TDI

    Ya the gas has no lubrication in it like diesel has and 2 of your injectors have seized up as a result !
  20. P

    New Owner of 05 Passat (TC on the way) what should I know/look into Keeping long term

    If its got the gear set up leave it alone nice quiet and smooth !